Re: Inadmissable...
We don't know how that confession was obtained - could have had his dick in a vice (metaphorically speaking, although this IS America…) and, as nobody's yet mentioned it, the kid's black. US LEOs seem to have a penchant for attempting to stitch up blacks (when they're not murdering them, of course).
Perhaps he IS guilty - or, perhaps, this is Zimmerman in reverse; why guy definitely shoots black kid and walks, forensics state that this black kid DID NOT kill his mate (ethnicity unknown), but I have no faith in him,getting a fair trial, for the same reasons that Trayvon Martin's family didn't get justice - US fuzz are inherently racist.
I read a statistic somewhere (and I'll find out where when I'm more alive) that blacks make up 80% of death row inmates, but blacks aren't responsible for 80% of capital offences.
Am I saying our plod ain't racist cunts - of COURSE I'm not, but we don't legally murder people here anymore.
If the victim was white, there's no fucking chance in hades this kid's gonna get a fair trial. Surprised the fuzz who arrested him didn't shoot him on sight, save the expense of going to court.
Go on then, downvote away…