Re: Other than
I expect to be down voted, a lot.. Who the fuck are you to say selling narcotics is wrong?
And by who's fucking rules? I don't condone violence of any kind, unless one is backed against a wall and the choice is kill or be killed.
When will people realise there are no rules, only consequences. And laws are created by those that wish to maintain a Status Quo or control.... Was there a rule list as you exited the vagina? No there fucking wasn't. Rules are imposed by those with the power to kick ass.
Our social system is based on abuse, abuse of human rights and abuse of ones right to self determination. The system used to be feudal where the hardest and toughest bastard made up the rules to suit his ( I say his because at that time women did what they were told and were smacked down if they had the gumption to disagree) own ideas of what is right and wrong (usually motivated by greed and the desire to fuck and abuse anything he wanted).
If you ain't man/woman enough to live and die by your own rules you are nothing more than a puppet. If someone wishes to abuse narcotics and die ffs let them, who is anyone to say different?
Yes the weak do need some protection they need protection from from those that would refuse them choice. They don't need protecting from their own stupidity.. Let them suffer their own ignorance, protecting them from that only serves to stagnate the gene pool.
I live in this society quite well, not because I abide laws out of fear but because I abide those laws that *I* feel are morally correct. And I am smart enough (so far) not to have been caught for ignoring those laws *I* deem to be bullshit.
Basically if you fuck with someone else prepared to be fucked with... If one lives and lets live one should be left alone to pursue whatever path one wishes. Who is anyone to tell me what is right and wrong... are you a fucking god or something? if so prove it.
I despair, for the vast majority of humanity are fucking puppets. It makes me angry when I see someone telling someone else how to behave based on their own conditioning/religion/ideology/bullshit. For they are just as clueless as I. The difference between us being that I know I don't have a clue nor the right to tell anyone how to behave.