G-Cloud needs nurturing
A lot of those who have been involved in getting G-Cloud off the ground are rightly concerned to see that it continues to grow. There are a lot of positives to celebrate - 1,450 suppliers in the current round and increasing spend going through the framework every month - even though the potential is much greater.
As another commenter said, the industry must also do more to support G-Cloud and not leave it all to the government. That's why EuroCloud, as the UK's largest member-owned, cloud-only industry body, recently published a manifesto to galvanise support for G-Cloud (full text here: http://www.eurocloud.org.uk/G-Cloud1). We are pursuing several action points, among them calling on GDS to invest resources into raising awareness of G-Cloud and helping buyers and suppliers to build and improve their knowledge and quality of services available.
G-Cloud as a brand is a valued asset and has already had a massively positive impact in promoting values of openness, competition and reform of IT procurement. The success of these reforms requires increased awareness and the continuous development of a healthy and varied supplier base. GDS should be building on the success of the G-Cloud brand, not burying it.