Devils advocate
Ok, I will play the devils advocate after being appaulled at some of the comments.
This guy had autism problems, the article does not state how serious those problems were. I can only presume from the poorly reported article that his autism was sufficiently severe that he was a very fragile person.
I personally think that many of the above comments are nothing more than Daily mail readers comments. A psychologist would be forced to admit that a severe autism sufferer is someone in an extremly delicate position and as such requires only the slightest of reasons in order to be pushed over the edge.
By reading the above comments, most notably the one that states that this should be treated as murder, I am forced to realise how many people have succumbed to the principals of the 'Nanny State".
I wonder how many hyprocrits there are in the above El Reg tards, how many of you are happy to support the "Je Suis Charlie" meme and at the same time are capable of condemning these spammers/malware authors as murderes.. Seriously to demand that someone be condemned for murder because of a pathetic email/ransomware email is far more pathetic.
Yes, I agree that malware authors should be punished for the crap that they make people endure but to go the point of putting them on trial for murder is like going back to the "Hunt the Witch" years.
The honest truth of the matter is that this was someone that was already on the edge, was extremely fragile and unfortunately not in a position to handle a given situation.
El Reg has pushed out an 'extremely poor' article using the lame excuse of cause and effect in order to rattle the 'sympathy' vote rather than treating the far more serious issue of autism.
I couldn't give a shit about the downvotes as anyone that does is merely showing his complete lack of desire to understand a problem and providing possible solutions but whi i happy to instead add themselves to the Daily Fail consensus.
Very few if any of the comments actually mentioned this guys illness, instead they chose to play the "I am deeply astounded card"...
This is one of those days when I realise that is actually possible to sink lower than Rupert Murdoch.