Re: Yes, they are really that incompetent.
As someone who HAS the ACA, it has been entirely misrepresented by the vested interests who were making a profit off the status quo.
I will support idea that the website is a joke - it could have been better done by a group of interns rather than the massively overpaid consultants (who might yet face problems....).
However, it gives me health insurance for $ X/month and a whole boat load of "don't worry".
I have friends who have maintenance medication that runs into the $1000/month category and who were terrified about pre-existing condition limitations. They changed the law so you cannot be denied, and maximum liability is $5300. Do you see that is a good thing?
That might have raised the rates, in addition to the 50,000,000 people who were previously not on insurance. But I don't care, and neither should you. X% of your costs were hidden because people become so desperately sick they are dumped on the ER doorstep, and now they are being factored in to the cost of the insurance.
If your insurance went up then be glad you had some, because there were *millions* who did not.
Insurance companies are not charities, go bitch at them....
The opposition party are so clearly dogmatically attached to the idea that they cannot be seen to help the president, even though what was implemented is a more strict version of their own policy. Not a stretch , huh?
And yes, Govt bureaucracy is not my favourite either, but then again neither is the greed that comes with corporate detachment. My insurance is the same company that did it before, but now there is a subsidy and all they cannot sell crap plans anymore.
Perhaps we need a "third way" that isn't PPP?
Perhaps we need politicians that don't seek to line their pockets rather than solve problems?