back to article NINETY new DOOM ASTEROIDS found in 2014

In December 2013, NASA re-activated the Near-Earth Object Wide-field Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) and in the twelve months since the project discovered three new comets and 40 previously-unknown near-earth objects, eight of which have Earth-bonking potential. NEOWISE started life in 2009 as WISE – the Wide-field Infrared Survey …

  1. hplasm


    Rocks like these are where we should be spending billions of "Terror Threat" monies?

    (Not actually on them...)

    1. Jedit Silver badge

      "Rocks like these are where we should be spending billions of "Terror Threat" monies?"

      Well, that depends on whether we can characterise the rocks as moons. If they can, and if someone can find an image of one of these moons presenting a left side crescent with a star just above and to the right of it, then I'm sure it will be identified as a terror threat on the spot.

  2. Neil Barnes Silver badge


    Better get a hat, then.

  3. Chris Miller


    or Earth-borking?

    1. AbelSoul

      Re: Earth-borking?

      Earth-bonking is a more than adequate description.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    data from the 2011 mission is still being analysed

    Humanity RIP: They never knew what hit them

  5. Simon Harris

    <7.5million km, >110m ...

    Does that make the moon a hazardous object?

    1. Snowman

      Re: <7.5million km, >110m ...

      "Does that make the moon a hazardous object?"

      The moon's orbit had already been assessed and it is gradually moving away from us at ~3.78 centimeters per year, this rate though will slow as it's orbit increases so it will have an even more stable orbit over time, baring a collision with another large object of course.

  6. Jonathan Richards 1 Silver badge

    Say what?

    The caption on that video says:

    Green circles represent near-Earth objects (asteroids and comets that come within 1.3 astronomical units, or Earth-moon distances, of the sun).

    An AU is not the distance from the Earth to the moon; does anybody understand what they're driving at, or is it just a mistake? I'm speculating that it should have said '... or 389 Earth-moon distances,' since that's approximately the ratio.

    1. Sir Sham Cad

      Re: Say what?

      Maybe they're trying to say 1.3 AU, where an AU is the distance of the earth/moon system from the Sun. Which is still a horrible approximation and terribly worded.

      TBH, I read it as you did, that they'd screwed up the definition of an AU.

      1. asdf

        Re: Say what?

        >TBH, I read it as you did, that they'd screwed up the definition of an AU.

        parsnip parsec what's the difference?

  7. Little Mouse

    Hot Fudge Sundae

    Let's go burn down the observatories, so this'll never happen again!

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Hot Fudge Sundae

      ...which falls on a Tuesdae this year.

  8. MajorTom

    Did they move?

    When I first glanced at the screenshot from the old Asteroids game I thought I saw them slowly moving in random directions. My mind must have provided some imaginary animation.

    Thanks for reminding me of the good times from 30+ years ago!

  9. WalterAlter

    Comets and Meteors Trump Global Warming

    Let's put the quotes back in "Mother" Nature.

  10. Glenn 6

    I just pictured Bender saying "Welp, we're boned!" while cracking open a beer.

    1. cray74

      Big Robot Party

      "I just pictured Bender saying "Welp, we're boned!" while cracking open a beer."

      I'd worry less if Bender was here. He's got a demonstrated ability to move Earth with the help of some of his pals. It'd just take the right bribe.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just saying

    If it does turn out that there is a >2 mile (ie mass extinction) level asteroid with predicted impact in the 6 month to 1 year range what the hell do we do?

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