More Hollywood Nonsense, Writer of the article is a pseudo intellectual
I'm sorry to say this, but anyone who has written any code at all from html to java knows that all the fast typing in the world will not make a perfect program right off the bat. Even the best coders in the world run tests on their programs to make sure they work. Even that aside, there is still a lot of clicking involved like the opening of a program window, a text editor, a compiler, etc.. Even if by pure luck the code is perfect due to using almost the exact same coding that you have used 1000 times in other programs before this you would still either be caught by errors or the authorities who by now have already gotten enough residuals of your code or viruses to recognize who you are.
Just the same as if you left a finger print at a crime scene codes like finger prints and language patterns are easily unique to each of in the way we express our selves through writing or even coding. Then again in Blackhat he(C.H.) was caught already when they came to him in prison to get his help, so I don't know how great a computer hacker that guy could have been. I would say that the closest Hollywood has ever come to true hacking reality is the 80's movie Wargames and the 70s movie Three Days of The Condor (Robert Redford's character physically hacks the phone system at one of the communication nodes for NYC to make an untraceable call.)
Since then I've yet to see a realistic depiction of all the grueling hours of coding, testing, and retesting of programs that are required in order to get into most secured or encrypted networks. Even if you just downloaded some basic hacking tool (and scanned it, checked it for malicious code within it...after all what could be better than a hacker hacking another hacker?) for getting into a WiFi network; the networks have activity logs that the firewalls create. Even if some how you managed to hack that log to remove your recorded presence there are still more problems when you get on with a data mined password.
A good example of this is that the firewall if it is any good at all it will still try to keep you out as an unrecognized IP address on a secured network. (if the network is not secured then as a hacker there would be no challenge and doubtlessly there is nothing worth risking going to jail over or bragging to your hacker friends the motive for hacking a system.) There is also the fact that on most secured networks there are both human and automated systems watching for unusual activity such as files being accessed from an outside network source. Even if you had everything prearranged for you and all you had to do was type a few keys to make it work and they made a small blurb about having done that sure I would half believe a few keystrokes.
However we do not see that, instead we see a lot of non-random key typing and its just stupid. If the movie or any tv show was one that I enjoyed then sure I could overlook this, but again its another half assed Hollywood attempted to jump on the money wagon of anything that can sell our shitty movies and steroid/protein powder filled actors.
The only thing worse is the clown who wrote this article that used so many overly pretentious words that sound like the guy was using a thesaurus program in over drive to find big words to make himself sound educated or at least seem intellectual enough to know what the hell he is talking about or at least convince us he does. Have you even read any technology magazines, have you even built your own network/system or even for a second done any kind of coding or programming?? Your article begs and practically screams look at me, look at me I think I know what I'm talking about, when in reality its just more B.S. thrown out their by some dumb monkey that learned how to type and use a thesaurus.
I'm sorry sir, but your not "Biting the hand that feeds IT", your just being a side show act that for a moment caught the attention of someone looking for an article that actually addressed the sad attempts of Hollywood to cash in on something that has revolutionized, changed and molded generations of computer users the world over for the past 30 years. I applaud your writing skills; but your knowledge and understanding of this field are so sadly lacking I would say you need to go back to college/university and take an intro computer/programming course that will give you actual knowledge rather than a copy/paste commentary that has become this sad little article you have written about Hollywood and hacking.