Wait a minute? "The company glories in the position as the world's second-largest operator of web-facing servers, with Netcraft rating only Amazon Web Services as its numerical superior."
Wasn't El Reg just telling us a few months ago that Microsoft Azure was number 2, and poised to overtake Amazon? "Can Microsoft Azure sales beat Amazon's cloud? - Bezos behemoth is tottering at the top" http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/07/28/azure_catching_up_on_aws/
Digital Ocean didn't even rate a mention in that story. But now Digital Ocean is number 2?
Let me guess, for the first story, some PR flack from Microsoft parsed and sliced the numbers over and over to find a way in which MS Azure came in second. He then took some IT industry journos out to lunch and got them sufficiently lagered to publish his rubbish.
Six months later, some PR flack from Digital Ocean parsed and sliced the numbers ... etc.
All I'm taking out of these stories is that Amazon is number 1 no matter how you care to count it, and even the most shameless PR flack knows that nobody will believe otherwise.