Making a splash
> 11 videos viewed for every person on the planet
Remind me never, ever to buy a second-hand mobile device!
(or to borrow anyone's phone)
Stats from self-pleasuring site Pornhub (link vaguely NSFW - no pics but still contains the word Pornhub) show that mobile viewing has overtaken desktop, and Android is the OS of choice for viewers of its select content. The, ahem, growth is in part down to the site removing its limit on the number of videos a day that can be …
Let's take Joe Travelling salesman settling for a typical bad night sleep in a typical "Garden Inn" (the latest and most fashionable way to call a Travelodge like dump on the other side of the pond). He has a choice:
A) Corporate laptop, secured to the hilt, will report his smut consumption to IT which will forward it straight to HR.
B) Corporate phone or BYOD phone. Corporate contract _WITHOUT_ a VPN and _WITHOUT_ any content control. Mail, calendar, etc all go to Exchange 365 or Outlook web access. Browsing goes straight to the Internet. And it is on corporate unlimited data too.
So which one he is going to use?
There are phones sold with IP68 dust / water ingress ratings, but the ratings are for fresh water, not cleaning solutions. Mild detergents and chlorinated swimming pools will be okay if you rinse it afterwards, but don't dunk them in bleach (the phones, that is)!
>Stats from self-pleasuring site Pornhub (that link is suitable for work)
That link is suitable for work, in that it contains no photographs - just a bit of innuendo in the text. However, I would imagine that some work IT departments might have systems that flag entire domains, such as
Anyway, I never knew of an interesting accompaniment to Alfred Kinsey and Shere Hite et al!
Or maybe: "I was testing their bandwidth versus ours to get a baseline for the impending upgrade."
I actually know of one manager who used this excuse regularly as he streamed sports, porn, and movies all day long. He's gone, not for the streaming but because he missed too many meetings....
Not entirely sure the boss would agree with you that the link is safe for work at all, the content may be but will still have a hard time explaining the PORNHUB part.... Also the various references and links to such things as.. America Runs on Anal.
"Ahh but you see, it may be a porn website, ahem, yes I have heard of pornhub, have you? Buuuut this is a totally legit article they did on porn stats.. Yes, was reading up on porn stats at work...Nope, was not perusing porn during work time at all, did you not know that porn sites are also useful and informative journalistic websites and that porn stats can actually help me have a more productive work day?"
Nope.. Scrub internet history of that one please.
Given that android has 85% of the market, are the numbers adjusted to consider this? As if not, it means iPhone owners are even bigger wankers than I had imagined.
Even more interesting is console stats. Xbox with lower market share than PlayStation has more wankers.
I'd love to get a technical overview of their content management system, CDN's , etc.It's quite a tech success story, delivering that amount of data as reliably as third parties have informed me that they do. Anyone know if they're using a COTS system or something home-grown? They must have a magnificent tech team. Great story waiting to be told there, with opportunities for data visualization.
The porn industry has traditionally of successfully adopting the best web technologies: payment systems, web-video, etc. None of the "join the conversation" bollocks for them: it either works or it's dropped. IIRC Cloudflare is pretty popular but they do roll some of their own stuff in order to be able to inject country-specific code.
All joking aside, I reckon it might be interesting to work for one of these sites for a while to find out how "webscale" really should be done.
One reason for an increase in mobile may be the ease with which Chromecast enables grumble flicks to be sent from a phone to a TV. As Chromecast is likely to be used by more Android users than iOS, this may also account for a certain amount of that discrepancy too. Mind you, I have no idea how many Chromecasts have been sold.