Re: Performance related pay
"What makes you think this policy change suddenly means the interview stage is now full of utterly uneducated, unqualified black people and women, with one poor looked down on balding 40 year white guy?
A policy that means the final choice from the candidates that are qualified for the role should not be influenced by gender or ethinicity is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. It's an unqualified good thing. It's an utterly undeniably good thing.
You racist/sexist arsehole.
"If you're a white male, expect to take them to court when they discriminate against you because you're the wrong gender or background"
You racist/sexist arsehole.
"All those unskilled unsuited minorities that are underpaid will get hefty rises to bring them on par with the rest of you"
You racist/sexist arsehole.
I keep re-reading your post in the attempt to detect perfectly hidden sarcasm. But it just isn't there.
When you've quite finished with your swearing and trolling, you'll find I'm specifically against discrimination of ANY variety. Clearly you're a racist sexist arsehole yourself, who quite openly wants to discriminate against white males.
Personally I believe there should be no discrimination, but jobs should go to those that will perform them the best. Hell if we didn't do that we'd have our current government and education system. Point proven lol
Clearly you must be right though, paying people based on their gender and ethnicity MUST be a good idea right - because that's exactly what you're unwittingly promoting.
What I'm saying, If you actually took the time to read it and understand it is that there should be NO consideration of gender or ethnicity when it comes to pay. If a black woman does the best job she should be paid more than everyone else. The same I would hope would apply to ANY gender or ethnicity. Without rewarding performance you'll see companies like intel go the same way as the education system. Breeding the next generation of illogical ill thought out, unproductive and emotionally irrational clueless idiots. Down the pan.