Screen Quality
As the "client device expert" (please note the quotes) for a local authority I've now tested a few different Chromebooks and I find them to be a useful adjunct to Windows devices in the same way as tablets have their niche. Horses for courses, use the device that suits the requirement.
We intend to use Chromeboxes for specific roles in our library service for example. Suffolk Library service are using Chromebooks and Chromebases extensively whilst Barking and Dagenham have rolled out a huge installed base of Chromebooks to staff instead of new Windows PCs and saved a lot of money on end user devices in the process (a pre-requisite for this is a thin-client based core infrastructure which they already had and appropriate security). Many non-profit organisations have an interest in these devices as they have large money-saving potential (believe it or not but the vast majority of staff in the public sector are always looking for ways to save money in order to provide best value to the taxpayer and I say this as someone who has spent the vast majority of my career in the private sector).
My worry with the Acer devices specifically is around the quality of the screens. I've tested the two existing sizes of Acer Chromebook screens and whilst the 11 inch was on par with all the other 11 inch Chromebook competitors the full HD Chromebook 13 screen was pretty dreadful. It looked grainy and had only adequate brightness when turned up to the max. I hope that the display quality on this new Acer is a big step up from the other Chromebooks they've produced so far.
The best screen I've seen on a Chromebook so far is on the device I'm writing this on, an HP Chromebook 14. Standard resolution but good brightness range and generally a good quality display, so maybe FHD isn't everything. Shame it has to go back to HP soon as it's a loaner.
The upcoming new Toshiba Chromebook 2 with FHD 13.3 inch screen could be the ideal Chromebook for my own purposes. Early reviews promise a very good screen, size would be ideal (I struggle with 11 screens due to eye problems) whilst not being overly large and it is a fanless design. I'm just hoping that the price is kept competitive for the UK as I intend to put my money where my mouth is and buy one with my own moolah.