US Politicians must have short memories - a policy of FAILURE
I don't have enough fingers on my hands to count the times that North Korea has humiliated the USA.
From the USS Pueblo to nuclear bombs and rockets - the North Koreans copy the USA and act with impunity.
The USA, after it lost the American War in VietNam, slapped sanctions on the country, and did VietNam a favour. European technology dominates because the Europeans ignored these petty bans.
We are are self-sufficient in VietNam, save a few shortages of electricity, I can have custom products made by skilled craftsmen that neither the USA, Canada or the UK offer. Where in these countries can you pop down with your transportation of delight and have a custom accessory manufactured?
When I design an electronic device I go straight from Electronic Circuit Simulation Software / Circuit Simulators to CAD, e-mail my design to the PCB manufacturers and have five PCBs the next day with solder resist and text/graphics overlay.
I have to wait a whole TWO DAYS if I want 100 pieces. And the prices would make you cry - a 10cm square board costs me less than a USD$1.25!
So go ahead, USA, do enemies favours, they are better off without you.
P.S. Guess which country is begging VN to buy more products and to rent their old Cam Ranh Bay facilities from VN?