OK, I'm going to say something decidely unpopular, but hear me out
"Follow-up checks found another nine analysts who were doing the same thing, and all had their access to that data revoked."
That is key.
There *is* effort to abide by the law, despite abuses.
There is also another, rather annoying culture in the US DoD. That of advising, suggesting, ..., finally enforcing the law and regulations.
Case in point, a peer in Information Assurance (see Information Security) did repeatedly scan the network computers, including client computers, for "kiddie porn". That is something worthy, if it was part of his, or my job. It was not. We could only scan for that which we were ordered to. Said orders were "washed" through an attorney conversant with things military and things Constitutional (OK, it was a military attorney at law). Believe it or not, the US Constitution *is* in force, save in very, very, very narrow areas. *That* is in question on NSA activities, well, in the US or in regards to US citizens, the US Constitution does not protect foreigners abroad, ratified treaties do, find them, offer them and follow through to ratification or shut up. Ratified treaties are the law of the land, per the US Constitution.
Which is why I've *always* objected to torture, but that is wild afield here, just intercepting so me objections.
This proves to be an abuse of office by junior employees. I'll even admit to some abuses to see pictures of my grandchildren, while I was deployed and said parents refused to e-mail imagery, but "ordered" me to join FaceBook. I did, under duress. I accessed the imagery via secondary means, as malware was well established on FaceBook at that time and the risk was beyond objectionable to me.
Welcome to the real world, where balances are established, but rely upon young people to act mature, with somewhat predictable results.
The predictable results being revocation of access.
What is annoying is, the time taken to take action.
My teams revoked access against an unconstitutional search for "kiddie porn" by a mid level Information Security analyst after two attempts, his third being blocked and termination of access initiated, alongside disciplinary measure efforts.
The contractor sent him to an Iraqi base that was closed quite soon after his arrival, rather than go through the annoying efforts of defense or trial in civil court.
I've not tracked him since.
He was "good", otherwise, he was a village idiot in terms of boundaries.