What a unexpected gift.
So Many Simple One Liners, Conjured Up A Wealth Of Happy (For Me) Images
What a unexpected gift - Thank You Santa
Christmas! Who doesn't love Christmas?? Most of the company as it happens! It's true, many of the staff here have an element of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when it comes to Christmas - and not just because of the PFY and myself. The last day is always one full of trepidation, alcohol and a little sprinkle of emotional …
...who was nicknamed Littlefinger?
There's something about the substitution of presents for no apparent reason other than to create unrest and chaos that seems so familiar.
Mine's the one with the pocket set aside and dedicated to carrying the paperback edition of Winds of Winter with me everywhere in the unlikely event I live that long.
"the serious drinking kicks off with the arrival of the P.A.s and the compulsory Golden Slammers"
So, the executive P.A.'s have a drinking problem... The PFY has a habit of feeding that problem... Are one or more of the P.A.'s hot? Is there one that the PFY is, perhaps, planning to take advantage of?
How about having it very clearly explained that being a temp doesn't excuse you from taking part and then being let go right before Christmas - and right before the gifts are handed out.
If I knew then what I know now, that place would have stunk for weeks afterwards.
That "Boss" is surely incompetent. In addition to the Fire Alarm system, the "network" also happens to be very important to the operation of all those nice POE (power over ethernet) IP Security Cameras, the Intrusion & Access control system and the BUILDING HVAC CONTROLS!
Of course, that could all be the plan of the BOFH & PFY to get new servers for their "side" operation.
Gina wouldn't stand for it. (All though, she might lie down for the right price)