back to article FCC hits pause on Comcast-TWC gobble AGAIN

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has once again put a hold on Comcast's controversial proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable (TWC), saying it needs more time to review documents in the case. The commission said on Monday that it is extending the deadline for its planned review period on the deal, this time due to …

  1. StimuliC

    Oh do it already! It's just a game

    We all know this is a game the FCC are playing to make us think that they give a damn about the consumer! Then it will quietly slip through and the then Comcast will go after another rival and pretty soon Comcast will have a huge monopoly and prices between whoever remains will magically conform and be over priced and the extortion game will begin with the "We're too big to fail" threats and the demand for government subsidies so that their board can sit rubbing their hands and other parts with glee.

    The FCC lead a-hole will resign and be off sunning himself in Cancun telling people "Well I tried!".

  2. Uncle Ron

    Unbelievable Corruption

    It is shocking to me that this merger is -still- being considered. The merger is no good for anyone except the executives and stockholders of Comcast. That's not good enough for something this vital. There are no "conditions," "concessions," or "promises" that Comcast can make that would make this pig not stink. Too much power, too much monopoly control, too much ability to absolutely halt technology progress in America, too much content control, too much ability to raise prices and create artificial scarcity.

    Comcast has shown lousy public service habits, lousy quality of service, lousy concern for customers, lousy, lousy, lousy. I urge you to write, phone, telegram, complain to high heaven to every official you can think of. This thing cannot be allowed to happen. Comcast and Time Warner Cable should be broken up, not allowed to merge. Unbelievable corruption happening here. They'll very quickly begin Metered Billing for internet service and start a Netflix competitor and drive them out of business.

    And by the way, if you didn't know: Comcast already owns: NBC, Bravo, Universal Studios, Universal Television, MSNBC, CNBC, USA Networks, Comcast Sports Network, Telemundo, E! Television, and more. Why and How can we possibly consider letting them get control of broadband for 50+% of America? Which essentially means they'll control broadband in America. Who owns this country anyway?

    1. Keven E.

      Re: Unbelievable Corruption

      Those who justify defining corporations as people so as to align with the statement "of the people, by the people and for the people.

      Doesn't this fall into the category of RICO?

  3. earl grey

    let them join up

    with the following provisos

    (1) you must resell last mile at comparable rates to any competitor

    (2) you may not own any media company

    (3) you must improve your network speeds to a real (measurable) 100 Mbs in 5 years for every customer (not the usual "up to x" speeds they lie about now)

    (4) you must improve your service levels so you aren't worst number 1 crap company in the country

    (by FTC measurements)

    1. Uncle Ron

      Re: let them join up

      These are all terrific suggestions. Transparently obvious and smart. The internet is a vital technology in our society: Personal and corporate finance, freedom of speech, information availability, entertainment, and more. By many competent estimates, if this merger is approved, Comcast with control 54% of it in America. Outrageous. Comcast and Time Warner Cable should be broken up--not allowed to merge.

      Why aren't your suggestions on the table right now at the FCC? Some version of them have been suggested for years. Why? Because of political campaign finance. The US National Cable Industry Association is one of the biggest (maybe the 2nd biggest) "lobbyist" in Washington. The potential profitability (read: consumer rip-off) of Metered Billing for internet service from a merged Comcast is unbelievable. Really, astronomical. For a monopoly! That's what this merger is all about, internet service. Cable companies are all monopolies in the areas they "serve." 70% of Americans have one choice for high-speed internet service: Their local cable monopoly. The merger must be denied, and your suggestions adopted, or America is truly sunk. Not hyperbole.

      1. Six_Degrees

        Re: let them join up

        "Comcast and Time Warner Cable should be broken up--not allowed to merge."

        Absolutely correct. It is especially troublesome that such an enormous provider of Internet access as this would create would also be one of the nation's largest content providers as well - effectively spelling doom for any hope of net neutrality. If TWC/Comcast is shoving its own entertainment media down your pipes and has to also shove competitor's entertainment media down those same pipes, guess how that's going to work out for everyone.

  4. Daniel B.

    Everyone knows the answer, FCC.

    Don't allow it. Cable co's are already awful as it is.

    Or do allow it, but impose the common carrier requirement upon their data pipes if they merge.

  5. Six_Degrees





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