Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!
Thankyou for forcing your latest set of mind-bogglingly stupid changes down our throats.
Without them I would never have been motivated to set up my own user.css for this place, that has transformed it from:
an amateurish "I just discovered clip-art and big fonts" 1990s, My First Web Page; repetitious, glaring, jarring, repetitious, look-we're hip and down with the kids, repetitious, nauseatingly dumbed-down tabloid, cluttered mess;
into a simple, clear, one-page reverse chronological, see what's new and what I've already seen, unencumbered by: your puerile attempts to ram stuff I've already ignored down my throat; or vacuously unrelated and over-sized pictures that tell me nothing extra and just consume screen and mind-space.
Thankyou for forcing me to sit up straight and do something about it.
/* Copyright 2014 Situation Publishing Ltd. */
.static { display:none; }
.large_story { display:none; }
.story_list { display:none; }
.dont_miss { display:none; }
.dont_miss_row { display:none; }
.story_grid_img { display:none; }
.article_img { display:none; }
.forums {width:90%; }
.adu { display:none; }
.wptl { display:none; }
#tips_or_corrections { display:none; }
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#body .CaptionedImage.Float.Right{float:none;margin:0 0 1em 1em}
#top_tease { display:none; }
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#topbar { display:none; }
a:visited { color: green; font-size: 85% }