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Minecraft's maker says it's working on a new "narrative-driven" follow up to the ultra-addictive world-building game. Microsoft-owned software house Mojang along with Telltale Games have kicked off work on Minecraft: Story Mode. The two developers said the title will be based in the Minecraft universe, but will give gamers a …

  1. msknight


    Now we know what Microsoft plan to do with Minecraft. Nothing.

    With everyone wondering if they would change the engine from Java; possibly shut down Linux gamers, all the plug in thing that's going on ... I have to admit that I didn't see this coming. Let it languish and start up something else.

    Got to admit that it will be interesting to see the "openness" of the new title; plug ins (which never really did, "happen" properly after the bukkit staff went over, IMHO) and whether they will come down on social media footage of game play, or animated stories of the world (does anyone actually know what became of the very last episode of the "Eggs explanation of Minecraft" from Element Animation?)

    And, of course, the speed/discussion/forum control ... of the existing community and whether there will be any further progress to be made to the Minecraft game itself. (which I doubt)

    Thinking on this, it probably isn't surprising. The existing assets are so open that they would probably be too difficult to monetise now, so this announcement probably isn't that much of a shock really.

  2. Dan 55 Silver badge

    And so the order came down from Microsoft - Leverage that IP!

    Once they get the entirely unnecessary character sorted out for the entirely unnecessary story mode they can plaster it on everything like Angry Birds.

  3. Avatar of They


    I have committed way too much time to finding villages, mining moria and building railways in open ended worlds to go and do it all again in another game. If it doesn't bolt on I am not bothered.

    And they just added day and night to the tablet game which is so far behind other versions. Why not just concentrate on getting it out of alpha (Beta on Xbox) and making all versions (PC, Xbox and PE) the same before you bring out something else.

    Gotta love M$.

  4. CADmonkey

    Sorry to repeat what the above posters just said...

    ...but why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why *snores*

  5. Skavenger0


    People don't buy and play Minecraft for its Story or appearance. They buy and play it for its freedom and creativity and parents are happy as its child friendly.

    Long story short, No-one is likely to buy the new game. As usual Microsoft is missing the point and has no understanding of what the consumer wants.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: lol

      > As usual Microsoft is missing the point and has no understanding of what the consumer wants.

      Like Lego did with the sets of parts that weren't generic enough to reuse.

      It's the infinite variety and lack of predefined scope that makes these things so engrossing.

  6. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

    Yay! Episodes!

    It works so well - Episode 1, Episode 2, .... oh, wiat, can someone please email Gaben, ask him what to do next?

  7. Andy 70

    parents? happy?

    apparently i'm to blame for the HOURS spent by my nephews, and friends kids, on minecraft and youtube minecraft tutorials, and learning about video capture to create minecraft videos to upload, and purchases of pocket edition and xbox versions...

    so no. the parents are NOT happy if the amount of grief I get is anything to go by. far be it from them to maybe get their own children into something they are interested in and can interact with on their level.

    putting together remote control monster trucks does, but then putting said moster trunks in display cases instead of building ramps and things to drive them over, doesn't.

    reminds me, I need to get some more scalextric track off ebay.... maybe some more "00" train track too.

    however, will be avoiding "story mode" as not a plug in. but thanks MS for getting pocket ed. onto windows phone...

  8. Tommy Pock

    This is from the same people who thought Windows RT was a good idea.

    They'll probably introduce jumping for coins next.

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