Here's the initial view of architect Sir Norman Foster's impressive space arse, as it appears at first glance.
Lovely. Just lovely.
Our plucky Playmonaut sensationally landed at Spaceport America in New Mexico last Thursday, although sadly not this time at the controls of the Register's soaraway Vulture 2 rocket ship. The diminutive Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) pilot walked the tarmac of the fabled gateway to the heavens as myself and David …
No Blake's I've been to puts "green chile sauce" on their burgers. They take sliced green chiles, slap them on the grill to heat 'em a bit, and put them on the burger. As it should be.
(In New Mexico, "green chile" can refer to the chile peppers themselves, or a stew - not to be confused with "chili"1 - made from green chiles, often with ground pork, and sometimes other ingredients. Green chile the stew, properly prepared, is also delicious, but doesn't work well on a burger because it's too loose.2 Thus green-chile-the-pepper is used directly for that purpose.)
1Chili, though also any of a wide variety of stews featuring chile peppers, traditionally contains tomatoes and always employs some starchy thickener - not generally part of New Mexico red or green chile.
2One can of course make a sort of open-faced sandwich, to be eaten with utensils, from the combination. Along these lines we have the legendary Poor Man's Benedict at Michael's Kitchen in Taos: Fresh bakery roll, sliced; shaved ham; poached eggs; cheese; and green chile stew (made with ground pork) ladled liberally over the whole. You can also get it red or Christmas, of course, and with other variations.
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>That is some of America's finest boring wasteland you had to drive through.
Would much rather drive through it than Jersey. Less smog and get to see more than urban decline and the guy in front of you's bumper stickers. Also I think you are thinking more of Kansas, Nebraska or Oklahoma than the mountain west.
Also I think you are thinking more of Kansas, Nebraska or Oklahoma than the mountain west.
Oklahoma has lots of nice scenery, particularly in the east, though there's a good bit to see in the west, too (eg the Gloss Mountains). I agree about Kansas and Nebraska, though. Everything west of the Flint Hills in Kansas on I-70 is nightmarishly dull. (Things perk up a bit if you get off the Interstate and on to more-local roads.)
Agreed. That is some of America's finest boring wasteland you had to drive through.
drive? you should try walking across it... i walked* from Amarillo TX to Tucumcari NM and then on to Albuquerque NM over a few days... back in the '80s... it was quite the experience :)
* cross country hiking, actually... i had left south Georgia for Orlando FL a few weeks earlier... left Orlando and was in Houston TX in a few days after getting a ride just west of Jacksonville FL... all this with a ~8 stone backpack strapped to my ~11 stone self O:)
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I've never done the entire drive from Denver to T or C, but I've driven pretty extensively in northern New Mexico. Some of the scenery is beautiful. I'd take the scenic route: Denver to Colorado Springs to Raton, Taos, Santa Fe (stop in Española for lunch; the food's much better), Cline's Corners, Encino, then west on US 60 to T or C.
Or, if you want to make it a bit faster (but to my thinking less interesting), go from Santa Fe straight down I-25 through Albuquerque to Truth or Consequences. There's some stuff to see in Albuquerque's older districts. I'd rather detour down US 285, though.
To my mind it's a much better drive than, say, going through central Kansas on I-70, or central Nebraska on I-80. When I head out that way I drive the Oklahoma panhandle just to avoid I-80 in Kansas.
It does, it does. Proven by the wearing of an obviously recently laudered and pressed lab coat which no self respecting garden shed boffin would be seen dead in. Where are the rumples? The bacon fat and tomato sauce stains? The torn pocket? (and my hewn from the living glass engraved alcohol imbibing device?)
Truth or Consequences is a sleepy little town that's graced by a restaurant worthy of a big city: Café BellaLuca at 303 Jones Street is absolutely my favorite in the whole state. The menu is Italian-inspired, but with creative twists. In the five or six years I've been eating there, I've never had a bad meal. I highly recommend it.
These space missions were all good fun when they were 'Plucky British String & Sealing Wax Garden Shed Boffinry' but now they've turned into a big budget, 3D printed, corporate sponsored, globe-trotting wank-fest, I've lost all interest.
You'll be replacing the playmonaut with a mini robot next!