El Reg Redesign - leave your comments here
December 19 Update no.4 - changes
Changed screen outside site background colour from white to grey.
Top Art in stories - now editorially selectable - in response to feedback about relevance (see above).
Reduced headline font size on Hero “story” at top of front page, articles and forum pages.
Masthead - entirely clickable to get back to front page(with exception of area containing social media buttons).
Footer - “The Register” text now clickable to help return readers to front page.
Visited and hover states swapped for better readability.
A Christmas masthead!
One week on. Update No.2 - our story is here
Update No.1
just letting you know that we are listening to your feedback. A quick update for now - we’ll report back to you next week.
Half-second delay added before the mouseover triggers drop down nav. We hopes this eliminates those annoying accidental pop-ups.
Two bugs reported - we have fixed one, restoring the ability to switch between desktop and mobile versions. The second. namely the loss of right click to open new tabs affects IE8 + IE9 users - just under six per cent of our readers, We know how to fix it - and it’s on our to do list. We’ll get this out before the end of next week.
Bye, bye print article icon - rarely used, not coming back. We still support this feature - so you are welcome to get hacking. *
Here is a checklist of the changes we have made.
Grey (mostly) axed from colour palette - site is probably too monochrome now - but where better place to start than black and white?
Top ad moved - to get more space-for and attention for editorial content.
Expanding section nav - to make content more accessible
Fixed navbar - an aide memoire to encourage people to explore site
Footer - more logical home for many links
Tidied up the right column - We think it is easier to navigate.
Pics at the top of nearly all stories - visual is good, right?
Removed left column in the story page - declutter
Reduced number of “teaser” units at bottom of story page - declutter
Social media buttons and tags moved - more logical places on the page
Front page headline carousel - rotating teasers, are they effective? Let's A/B test.
Removed tabs and content buttons - tried to make content accessible.-
Feature removed - most commented - will be unpopular with some - but ignored / unused by vast majority. We aim to rethink this feature - but at a later date.
Feature removed print article - not used - This is not coming back