redefining "disruptive" Newspeak style
Uber is only "disruptive" if we count drug dealers and gun traffickers "disruptive" to their respective industries.
Whether or not one agrees with the regulations, "disruption" is about dodging those regulations. Nothing Uber or Lyft is doing is nothing cab companies weren't already doing, in my experience, except trying to dodge or game the system by passing the expense and risk of business onto the "drivers".
It'd be like saying I had a "disruptive" business plan by not hiring clerks for a retail store, but having "workers" come in on their own as "independent contractors" who supply the registers, the labor and the inventory. All I do is supply the advertising and the pricing, and then can blame poor customer service on those "independent contractors".
No one would accept that BS in other industries, and I think only appear to accept this because many of the initial investors are also controlling interest in the very media sources that praise them.