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Facebook has finally deployed its creepy search engine on the US version of its app for iOS users. One of the free content ad network's product managers announced that Facebook's so-called Graph Search tech would be slowly rolled out to Stateside fanbois over the next few weeks. This comes nearly two years after Facebook boss …
Yup! deleted mine a year ago. Everything disappears into a farcebook bin where they keep it; you can't as far as I know reactivate and carry on where you left off but all your previous activity IS kept by the the zuck and co for posterity/stalking you/selling/giving to the NSA etc.
Fortunately my profile was about as accurate as my wife is at darts.
Yes, for now. They could change that, but that would be them ignoring the "only share this with friends" flag. That would be creepy. Allowing me to search posts you've already shared with me is not creepy in any way.
I'm not standing up for facebook, I don't use it, but the daily mail style knee jerk headlines and typical ill thought out responses posted here get on my tits.
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The next big news will then be: You can search everyone's posts (including non-friends) for all those keywords you have in common. This will allow you to connect with more people than just the ones you know. And allow us to sell more ads."
Yep.. I can see that happening.
Uhhhh, this is new to FaceB0rk?....O.K. then...
I'm not with the "in" crowd, but I'm sort of shocked this is news and that all that other shit you mentioned Mark isn't already in place.
So, FaceB0rk just rolled out searching for socials for it's social network...? So what the fuck has it been doing all along, tricking the anti-social into feeling they're social?
Oh, I would like to add that back when I used Yahoo's Geocities everyone used Yahoo's search engine to find similar content. So I'm glad that person was excited to finally launch a feature that might be older than them! So good job and head over to Microsoft, they just launched SSH!
I'm not normally known for being clever, but for once I can sort of claim to be, maybe.
No FB account. no twitter account, no Limkedin account, no online social presence to speak of.
I have real friends who will help me when my car breaks down and I have their phone numbers and they have mine.
Any story about facebook and you have the usual "I'm somehow better than everyone because i don't use it" comments.....
I live in Asia and use some local facebook groups for expats and people ask the same questions all the time about where to buy rice in Vietnam and why Sushi isn't cooked etc for which a better search would be ideal.
If you are so against sharing things on the internet then don't.... its really that easy and you are probably not interesting to anyone anyway.
"I live in Asia and use some local facebook groups for expats and people ask the same questions all the time about where to buy rice in Vietnam and why Sushi isn't cooked etc for which a better search would be ideal."
I think these people would get better results by asking such questions using some kind of a search engine like Google or even possibly Bing.