back to article Angry Birds to angry words: Rovio flings 14% of its staff out the door

Troubled Finnish gaming studio Rovio has sacked 110 staff, almost 14 per cent of its workforce, but is claiming success as it had planned to dump 130 people. "Rovio estimates that its workforce will be reduced by approximately 110 employees. As part of its reorganization, several positions have been opened for internal …

  1. petur


    they also had a pretty neat (and impressive) game on the n900

    1. present_arms

      Re: n900

      Yeah they had Angry Birds on the N900. I still play it from time to time :D

  2. JLV Silver badge

    Some corrections seem warranted...

    as Zynga and King Digital are finding figured out, building a sustainable gaming business is a very tricky job passing off a one hit wonder as a major investment opportunity is a very neat trick.

    as Zynga and King Digital investors are finding out, building a sustainable gaming business is a very tricky job

    It's kind of a balancing act when a very small team lands a very big hit on mobile. I think the model going forward is to adapt the movie model, where you have the people who make the movies and those who distribute them. Both can be rewarded, but one hit movie does not a major studio make.

    Maybe something where the small team pockets the profits from their initial platform and then partners with an established, non-abusive (cough, EA, cough), game company to port it to other platforms. Well-done, the major publisher can make money off an established, low-risk, game. The small team can pocket the big $ and see if they can build a steady business.

    But... nothing quite as cool as a $7B valuation, eh, Zynga?

    1. Cliff

      Re: Some corrections seem warranted...

      Yep, selling the game to a major on licence and getting the hell out of gaming makes sense - lightening not striking twice and all...

    2. DropBear

      Re: Some corrections seem warranted...

      Yup, we definitely need more publishers. If the internet ever taught us anything it 's that we need moaaaar fat, useless, money skimming, racketeering B-ark rejects bold, value-adding entrepreneurs for the good of us all. For sure.

  3. Andy Taylor

    Tiny Thief is great

    Lovely little game, keeps my 5 year old engaged for ages.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Tiny Thief is great

      There's the problem. 5 year olds don't have a credit card to create them a revenue stream.

  4. YARR

    The tale of Angry Birds...

    fling flap flop

  5. John Sanders

    You guys forgot the best game they make

    The best game they make is Bad Piggies

    I absolutely love it

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    an allegory

    A game publisher like EA is like a book publisher, with a broad range of material to make money from.

    a games developer is more like an author, once they run out of ideas they're in trouble.

    (I seem to recall that after Catch 22 Heller had a very fallow period bookwise but was doing plays and film scripts)

  7. Uwe Dippel

    I luv AB and have been doing so for 2.5 years

    AND I have seen a number of addicts being p***ed off by some strange attitudes; attitudes that an invincible Microsoft once used to exhibit.

    (I spare everyone the list of my own!)

    Things go up and down, markets and interest. Though when there are clear signs of some arrogant, or de-focused, or money-milking attitudes; one must not wonder too much about the underlying reasons for a downward trend.

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