Rubbish article
So an international company has to conform to local law? Outrageous! Why should they? Bring on the TTIP I say.
The consumer watchdog's objection are no better:
1- Terms and conditions in French. That's crazy! Companies should offer contractual information in whatever language they want. It's not as if people read them, and it is moot anyway because:
2- Conditions can be changed at a whim. Of course they can. And consumers can change their payment conditions too. Free market I say!
3- Payment required, but no obligation of service and no measure of quality. Isn't this how things should be? Who do those frogs think they are? OK, "This has been a bone of contention between Netflix and ISPs elsewhere, especially in its home US market, where the likes of Verizon and AT&T had been accused of “standing on the hose”." But still, those cheese eaters pass the limits.
Try to report the same facts in a more neutral manner next time.
<exhausted by so much ignorance or bad faith>