A plate of...
Chips...geddit? Chips...like silicon chips....Huh? Huh?....
I'll get me coat...
Apple is in the final stages of designing a 12-inch iPad as big as a dinner plate, it has been claimed. A Japanese magazine called MacOtakara has published blueprints for a device it called the "iPad Air Plus", which will be a bigger version of the world's most famous fondleslab. It will feature a 12.2-inch display and an A9 …
12in Golden Delicious?
12in Granny Smith?
12in Allen's Everlasting Apple?
12in American Mother Apple...................no really it exists....... ;-)
12in Api Apple....
12in Jersey Mac Apple ...... again really exists....
12in Jonafree Apple.... for all you sailor types out there
bored no but you get the drift..