Their bread still tastes of cardboard - but at least is fibre rich.
Fat upstart Nimble embiggens revenues by 77% in ONE quarter
Nimble Storage is providing an object lesson in how to grow a startup after IPO, posting a 77 per cent jump in quarterly revenues – with revenue growth outstripping the loss increase rate. The firm saw revenues of $59.1m in its third fiscal 2015 quarter, compared to $33.4m a year ago and $53.8m three months ago. The net loss …
Wednesday 26th November 2014 17:40 GMT Graham 24
But they're getting longer by less - so the rate of increase is dropping. It's a good way to spin increased losses - you get to use words like "less" and "reduce" in the same sentence as "loss", hopefully disguising the fact that you're still losing more money than you were before.
Looking at the chart, I'd estimate approximately a total loss so far of about £130M. Or to put it another way, even if they make profits of $25M /year for the next four years, it's 2020 before they are really in the black.
I like the growth strategy though:
•Get new customers
•Grow Global 5000 customer base
•International expansion
•Encourage customers to expand app load after purchase and buy more product
I read that as:
•Get new customers
•Get new customers
•Get new customers (not in the US)
•Get customers to buy more things
That must be why I don't run a business that loses $100,000 per day - there' no way I could think of such a creative strategy of "get more customers and get them to buy more things" - that's business genius right there.