Has anyone seen Benedict's Cucumberbatch?
He's an actor with one of the most famous penises in Hollywood. Now the notoriously well-endowed superstar Michael Fassbender is set to play the tech world's "biggest dick": Steve Jobs. Fassbender is the latest high profile actor to be named as the star of an upcoming biopic about the Apple godhead. He will don the black …
'Fraid so, in Danny Boyle's production of Frankenstein at the NT. Said member was long and thin, just like its owner. Not that I make a habit of seeing the dangly of thesps, but I also was witness to Gandalf's staff when Sir Ian was playing King Lear in Stratford. He jumped up and down so much he resembled a Spitfire made of saggy old skin.
Will there be any of the following in this film?:
Robots, Spaceships, Drug Taking, Uzi's, Naked Women, Light Sabres, Zombies, Batmobiles, Klingons, Iron Man, Aliens, Naked Women, Pithy One-Liners, Monkeys and Naked Women?
If not, then i will not be watching.......you have been warned Mr Doyle.