back to article 100 IT workers face the axe at CSIRO

The Staff Association at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) reckons that among the nearly 900 jobs being cut from the science agency, IT and comms is to lose at least 119. The group has put together an analysis of documents provided to it by management under the agency's enterprise …

  1. Thorne

    Why doesn't the government...

    Put the $400M it just earnt off the CSIRO's wireless patents back into the CSIRO?

    1. Denarius Silver badge

      Re: Why doesn't the government...

      because it has yet to sell CSIRO to someone who appreciates research. Someone like a foreign patent troll who knows who to fund discretely. We are a colon (sic) after all and should be glad to bless our betters.

  2. bert_fe

    Barbarians acting like chimps

    It is sad it has come to this. A once premier research organisation crippled by morons. When they come for you, you too will understand! Bert

  3. Tim Roberts 1

    @bert_fe " a bunch of morons" Indeed - led by a scientific illiterate who denies any possible link between rising atmospheric CO2 and global warming.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      They actually have a lot of talent

      Just not leading them at the moment.

      Sad thing is that the ALP and the Greens are so much worse! Happily blocking anything that could potentially save money, yet allowing any spending measure, so they can scream 'Broken Promise! Broken Promise!'

      They're actually forcing the Liberals to cut programs. Gonski? and the education spending program that they promised? Pure fantasy, was never to be delivered! Not even on the forward estimates.

      Yet it makes a nice sounding cut when the Libs say they're not going to fund that steeply exponential program, and instead find a roughly trend based increase.

      Oh and the NBN Horror show! I know of a Business in the CBD of Hobart fighting tooth and nail trying to get put on the NBN REFUSE to provide them services. Come the March cut off of copper is going to cripple them.

      It took me five, yes five separate signups to get one of them through, so we don't suffer the same fate. Each time the order was cancelled there was no notification. So you thought you had your order in only to find that the next time you called them sorry, you order was cancelled ?!? Why? They didn't know! Oh sorry there was a problem with your order. What? I don't know.... OMG

      When ever the last government got involved in a sector it killed the small businesses operating there. Insulation, Dentists, Mining, Graziers

      So as the Senate forces the Liberals into more and more savage sounding cuts! Look at who is happily Burning Australia for a headline in a news cycle! The old crew!

      Shorten, Conroy, Wong, Swan, Plibasek?

      The Libs have cottoned on to the fact that solar rebates only help the rich. If your renting in QLD for example you would have paid some rich 'Environmentally Friendly' driving around in their land cruiser to the tune of $200 last year from your increased electricity prices alone.

      Actually listen to Parliament.

      1. GX5000

        Re: They actually have a lot of talent

        You do realize that as soon as you use political terms you're shooting yourself in the foot right ?

        The Right and the Left always end up selling out the citizens in the end so going on about "the libs" is just nonsensical. Politicians are what they are, no matter what they call themselves.

  4. Medixstiff

    Of course no-one from management is getting the flick, they are too valuable to the organisation I guess.

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