Days like this
I truly do love my next gen firewalls and their ability to filter fb and their crap. I get almost 200 emails a day requesting access to fb, twitter, etc., and my usual reply is: Ask your supervisor, manager or VP. If they say yes (which nobody has yet) then I'll consider opening it. However, you must realize that just because you have access to these sites at home doesn't mean you're going to be able to get access to them in the office. Especially, when their sole purpose in life is to monitor your every move, on whatever computer you're on, and glean browsing history/intel from that. Occasionally someone gets pissy with me and I simply remind them that as much as I wish otherwise, the office isn't a democracy. Computer usage policies have been created to protect the company from losing sensitive data AND to keep people from generating a hostile work environment, by watching porn or something else that others might find objectionable.
I further find it quite humorous when people hoping to get by the policies I'm ordered to enforce, by bringing in their own devices, get completely honked off because their only option is to use Citrix. The tantrums people have thrown in my office have been quite epic. But, (and much to my amusement) my hands are tied.
As for FB for work, I'm really puzzled as to what kind of applications will be available to users. Last I checked, farmville & words for friends don't have any business equivalents, so I'm interested in seeing what kind of bullshit the zuck-head uses to justify this new product offering.