without a lawsuit?
Having spent the entire week swamped with net neutrality, the FCC might just welcome the chance to modernize its broadband policies without it involving a lawsuit or leading to protests or Presidential videos
Who are you kidding. filing suit for things like, 'my coffee was too hot', 'my coffee was too cold', 'You said it would rain today and it didn't' are pary of the US way of life. Even back in the 1980's I was sued three times for things so trivial that it made us laugh (and get another lawsuit in the process). There are whole ranks of lawyers just waiting to get your call to start a suit. All those thousands of lawyers graduating every year have to do something to pay off their $200K debts for getting that degree in the first place.
Yeah, I'm cynical. Having been travelling to the US since the mid 70's and living there for two years I have good reason to be.
The FCC will be opposed in this measure all the way by the likes of AT&T, Comcast etc. Now that the GOP have control of both houses the likelyhood of this going through is even more remote.
If by some remote chance this goes through you can be sure that the Telco's will find ways t oadd more wacky charges to everyone's bill that will more than compensate for the costs. They'll probably do that anyway given their track record.
$9.95/month(+ tax) for household WiFi provision yet supplying a router that has no WiFi...
use your own router? that will be $9.95/month unapproved hardware levy.
etc etc etc