I wonder if it will be a new playbook?
I know a few proper security people and they still use a BB phone a playbook combo.
Turnaround artiste John Chen marked one year as BlackBerry boss with an avalanche of enterprise software news related to the firm's new BES12 server, which can manage enterprise mobe devices running Android, iOS, Windows Phone – and of course, BB's own mobile OS. BlackBerry wants to manage absolutely everything: PCs, Macs, …
We are still running an early version of BES, 5 I think, which already didn't support the latest batch of BB terminals.
Our current terminals are reaching their end of life and I have difficulty finding terminals that are supported. Guess what, we will be leaving BB to slowly wither away and have already started moving towards an Airwatch( Android and IOS) solution (Echange on the rear end)..
As much as I like my BB for email I have not alternative but to forego it for an Android/Apple alternative...
As far as I am concerned BB threw themselves out of the market... So it doesn't matter what they now offer they are simply too late.
Agree, BES12 is a year late. It took a long time because it was designed from the ground up so it could manage iOS, Android and WP8 phones better than BES10 could... and now it also manages OS7 phones. Airwatch and other MDM's are pretty good, but they all have their own limitations, as your company will soon find out.
The bad news is that many BES5 customers have been switching to other platforms. The good news is that BES12 is already attracting customers who never used BlackBerry products and services.
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After about 4 years of Android, I'm very impressed. All the Android apps I need work and everything out of the box is seamless. The build quality is good and I love the OS. I'm not sure I'm ready to go to a physical qwerty keyboard though and I'm certain I don't want a bigger screen, if I have to change it will be to a Sony z3 compact.
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