Re: Hopeless...
"No bugs are not an inevitable reality, even in team dev where they just cost money to remove."
In any suitably complex system written by humans bugs will occur. I'm afraid the engineering-a-bridge equivalence argument that people like to cite doesn't apply because the software logic in a large system can be exponentially more complex than the maths involved in making a bridge stay up plus a bridge doesn't reconfigure its parameters every nanosecond.
If you think bugs should not occur then I challenge you to write a million lines of code with ZERO bugs in it from day one.
"In my day an OS was written in assembler or CPL both of which would allow you to make real errors unless you knew what you were doing. So why are there more coding errors now than there were then?"
Perhaps because the programs do more than they did in your day. A microwave ovens microcontroller probably has more code on a per instruction basis than the largest batch programs of the 60s or 70s, never mind the multi million lines of code running a typical financial organisation.
"the vast majority of buggy code is in simple things that were broken from day one."
Except your conveniently forgetting that there may be literally thousands of these "simple things" in a complex system. Someone has to check them ALL in ALL scenarios to be 100% sure there are no bugs. Are you volunteering?
"More importantly should bad coders and businesses be held accountable for their business decisions? personally I think it is high time they were"
Thats right, nail the coders, not the management who insisted they got the code out the door by the end of the month regardless. But if you want to see the IT industry in the UK decimated and all the work head off abroad to countries with far laxer regulations, then sure, go for it.