Social network site creates tools that enables less social networking....
Facebook will soon let people edit and block stuff from appearing in their News Feeds after users complained of being bombarded with boring posts. Facebook new News Feed All the news that's unfit to print "We love your feedback about what you want to see in News Feed so we can work to get the experience you want," said …
I took the ultimate option a month ago and just shut my account down. Never looked back.
I shut down my Facebook account entirely, then created a new one with a bogus name and no identifying information. Carefully invited the ten or twenty people who I really wanted along (of the 150+ that over the years had been added) and things are much more manageable.
Likewise, I'm pretty brutal when it comes to unsubscribing from email lists, Twitter and RSS feeds. If I even think I wouldn't miss it - blam - it's gone. I generally keep thing to about fifteen Twitter feeds that I follow, and a dozens RSS feeds in TinyTinyRSS.
Seriously, in this age you really need to say "No," an awful lot more than you would even five years ago.
@ParisHilton to keep things topical.
There are some options even beyond that.
Not opening an account in the first place. Blocking FB domain at the firewall, or redirecting it to localhost. And finally, walking around and telling people how I don't use FB. Like this:,429/
Gaah. I so tried not to write this comment. Couldn't resist. Sorry.
Facebook Purity may be what you're looking for
(No connection, just a happy user)
I really want to close my Facebook account. If it wasn't for Facebook I would be blissfully unaware of how utterly stupid a large proportion of the population is. I worry about some people who seem to be trying to convince themselves that they have a great life by posting all their adventures (truly happy people just get on with it and don't need to show everyone). It's mostly a bad experience. But there are some things about it that I would truly miss, and that keeps me from pulling the plug. Damn curates egg it is.
Given the stuff you see is from people you told FB you were friends with, "how utterly stupid a large proportion of the population is" reflects more on your social circle than the population as a whole.
While I agree most of the population are stupid or boring (to me) I only make friends in real life with those who don't fit that description... why not follow the same rules online?
FB is FAR more useful and less annoying when you use it to network with people you'd actually talk to. If you open it up to people whose opinions you aren't interested in, of course it will seem rubbish.