Re: Glass half empty?
"Surely this could just as easily be written as Apple backing up your work by default for you, for free. This is just how the Apple ecosystem is designed - if it's easier for the user, or if the user gets some benefit then it's on by default."
Very insightful!
The nudge theory (I hear Teller yelling in the background) tells us that if this was off-by-default there would be many unhappy users complaining that their iThing doesn't work properly and the interwebs would fill up with negative reviews.
It *still* should be opt-in though. The way to do it would be a notification to the user the first time they log into their new Yosmite account with "Here are some new privacy options <checkbox list> and the reasons you might want to enable them now but IF NOT you can always change your mind later in preferences <info> [LATER] [APPLY]"
This somewhat reminds me of the harrowing experience one day, when I found my Android phone suddenly started uploading every photo I had taken and storing them in "the cloud".
I had absolutely no indication that this was going on.
The behaviour was quite startling as I had just done the normal coffee shop app update marathon. I think I had long ago given up on reading all that info with most of it being bug fixes.
What tipped me off was that my data use was slightly high..
After I narrowed it down as to the "who" thanks to Androids very nice GUI interface for tracking data usage controls, I launched Dropbox.
When I launched the Dropbox app it did inform me of the new feature but it was too late, the Dropbox *update* had made the change.
I manually went to the settings and turned if off.
I thought that the Apple design documents had something called "The law of least surprise" back when dinosaurs ruled the earth.
The reason I bring this up is that I suspect this also occurred to Apple users in the past and is going to get more prevalent unless Apple drives a User Privacy Interface Standard that all Mac and iThing applications should (must?) adhere to.