back to article Caterham Seven 160 review: The Raspberry Pi of motoring

When I took my seatbelt off, the Caterham 160 didn’t beep at me. I didn’t get electronically reprimanded when I got out and left the headlights on and I didn’t have any problems bluetoothing my phone to the radio because it doesn’t have Bluetooth. Or a radio. An interactive photo of the Caterham. Click on a spot and the …

  1. stu 4

    Westfield SEight

    was the car of my late teens I dreamed of wanting.

    The westfields always had a bit more panache about them imho.

    21k for a 660cc caterham is silly money though. If you want to do this sort of thing - get a bike engineer kit or buy one someone else has stuck together. You can pick one up for 8 or 9k.


    1. Steven Raith

      Re: Westfield SEight

      The advantage of the factory built small engined option though is that it's warrantied and approved; although I agree that if you're a bit more happy with it a as a second/third car, the power to weight (and revs to weight...) you can get from a 'Busa or 'Blade engined Caterham are greater than this, but then this isn't meant to be a screamer track-day weapon - it's an everyday car that can go on track without being too intimidating or unreliable.

      I like it.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Westfield SEight

      Did you seriously just use the word 'panache' to describe a Westfield...the ugly plastic-bodied clone of the actual genuine Lotus/Caterham 7?

      I've heard it all now.

      The 160 is lot of money for the power on offer but take a look at the residuals ...a genuine 7 has very little depreciation and actual cost of ownership is frequently lower than for any bodged together kit car.

      1. James Hughes 1

        Re: Westfield SEight

        The handling on the SEight is a bit iffy ( or used to be) due to the very heavy engine. Makes the steering a bit heavy as well.

        And there's nothing wrong with the styling of the Westfield! (made one, loved it, only transport for well over a year)

        And as for 'bodged together kit car", I suggest taking a look at some that have been made properly. Don't judge all kit cars by the worst examples.

        1. MJI Silver badge

          Re: Westfield SEight

          Ah the car to terrify every other sports car & hot hatch on the road.

          Oh look boy racer, a real engine and in a light car.

    3. JeffyPoooh

      "The Raspberry Pi of motoring" ?

      You mean, like, you plug something into the cigarette lighter outlet and the car immediately turns on?

  2. Graham 24

    Was it supplied to you with that number plate? That's a £1000 fine just waiting for a bored traffic cop...

    Nice PistonHeads reference, by the way.

    1. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      What would the bored traffic cop's objection be with the number plate?

      1. Graham 24

        The spacing is wrong. It looks like the actual VRM is S16 OCC, and moving the O to the left is an offence, with a £1000 penalty.

        See for the whole thing and for the precise layout details.

        1. Steven Raith

          From what I understand, those plate regs are usually used as a totting up thing - IE if someone is taking the piss and gets pulled for doing 90mph on an A-road and is arsey about it (as opposed to 'sorry officer, won't happen again' and let off with a warning) then they'll use the plates, a worn tyre, etc to throw the book at you.

          I've never heard of anyone being pulled specifically for the plate unless it was genuinely hard to read (IE italic, etc) - even the 'german' plates that are popular with the VW lot - unless you're in a position to be in trouble anyway, like if you're with a load of mates in MacDonalds car park being a nuisance. On the motorway doing 75-80 generally behaving yourself?

          Not really a problem.

          Steven R

          1. Graham 24

            I agree it's rare - I just think it's bad for a car company to give a journalist a car to review when it's technically illegal to drive that car on the road.

            It's the journo who would get fined, not the marketing bod from Caterham who thought it was a good idea for the publicity photos.

            1. Steven Raith

              Everyone does it. It's acceptable defacto, and the regs are mainly there to prevent the defeat of ANPR.

              Cleverly spaced numbers are OK with ANPR, italics and other fonts are not.

              Hence, plod are pretty chilled about it.

              Unless you're being a dick, in which case, one more for the charge sheet!

              1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

                It is, however, an MOT failure.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Car enthusiasts and boy racers are immune from modification related MOT failures. Exhaust systems, cat convertors and now number plates are all related to how much we pay for our road tax, yet monitored by poorly trained, poorly educated and biased testers. Testers who unlike on the continent, sole purpose is competing for business.

      2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge


        Being from down under, I had no idea that people modify their plates just to move a space. Our rego plates are still handed out sequentially but can easily be changed, and you can request any character combination in the standard format for a fee. If you pay enough, you can have any combination of letters and numbers that you like, up to the character limit (seven in most places, nine in some) and within the bounds of taste.

    2. Steven Raith

      It's either Pistonheads, or one of those places that hate Pistonheads, like the Evo (care in the) Community forum, where 'powerfully built company director' is used to describe a certain kind of PH user - brogues, rugger shirt, chinos, unwarranted selfimportance knobber - who seem to flourish over there.

      Troy queef last time, PH this time, blimey, it's like having someone who knows about cars reviewing cars!

      How unusual for a tech site...!

      Steven R/Beany

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    fabulous !

    This article and the one below would go well together :) i.e. check out how much could be done ? Well, you did say the Caterham 7 is the RaspPi of motoring ....

  4. naive

    Finally someone makes a car gain

    Great to see a company making a real cars again in the midst of this avalanche of mediocre cars looking more and more like Lieutenant Hubert Grubers little panzer to satisfy the safety requirements of the politbureau in Brussels.

  5. Nick De Plume

    What, no cupholders?

    If more people used these, we'd have less accidents. Way less.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: What, no cupholders?

      More people used cupholders instead of wedging the cup between their legs - or more people used cars without cupholders and concentrated on driving ?

  6. Tom 7

    Got to agree

    the bro has a kit one of these with a Pinto in it (soon to be VR6) and an M5. Either of them would die in the potholes round here but on a decent stretch of road I'd go for the Caterham any day.

    And not bother with the beemer - my car costs less than his annual service FFS.

    1. Steven Raith

      Re: Got to agree

      Would I be right in thinking the VR6 is for packaging reasons as opposed to power? It's well known that the VR6 has poor power for it's capacity, and drinks like a fish too.

      Which isn't to say I wouldn't mind a ride in it ;-)

      1. fruitoftheloon

        Re: Got to agree


        I have a much loved mk2 vw scirocco which was quite capable of keeping up with and accelerating my E39 535i, the scirocco does 75 in 2nd gear...

        There is a lot to be said for adding lightness and blueprinting an engine.

        Btw the Scirocco is the only car i have owned that has ever appreciated in value.

        The missus loves Caterhams, one can dream...


  7. Zog_but_not_the_first

    Cracking little cars

    Take any of the Caterham's on a track for a couple of hours and you'll wind up looking like the Joker, or that bloke on the right.

  8. Dave Bell

    There were a lot of kit-cars with the general Lotus 7 look, and of varying quality. Haynes even sold a book on making your own. But the mechanical style of cars has changed. There's not so many cars now with rear-wheel drive to use as donor vehicles. Though Wikipedia provides an impressive list.

    I am not sure that a Caterham is quite like the Raspberry Pi. It's maybe a bit more like the FUZE. But they are certainly in the same territory.

    1. James Hughes 1

      The haynes book was called Build your own Sports Car by a guy called Ron Champion. The car is called the Locost, and have a thriving race series run by the 750 Motorclub.

      If you can find the donor parts (Mk2 Escort, Cortina front hubs) they are pretty easy to make, although I haven't finished my road going one yet, even after 15 years, due to buying a racing one ready made and then having too many children.

  9. Long John Brass

    Ohio Superboard II

    *SNIFF* My very first computer.

    Shit I must be old .... when the fuck did THAT happen :)

    1. fruitoftheloon

      Re: Ohio Superboard II


      Right after you blinked...

      On a related note, I was looking forward to being outsmarted by son, I assumed he would be a bit older than 5 when it happened....


    2. SImon Hobson Silver badge

      Re: Ohio Superboard II

      Ditto, takes me back "a bit"

      Great base for experimentation and modifications :-)

  10. jason 7

    My dad and my brother...

    ...both had Caterhams.

    My dad had a late 1980's Prisoner spec style racing green one. It was a gentleman racer with a uprated 1700CC Ford engine. Twin carbs and an exhaust that popped and crackled like crazy. You could hear that car coming into the village from about two miles away. He sold it about a year ago as it want getting the use it did.

    My bother has a mid 90's standard spec Caterham with a 1600cc Ford engine. He still has it and uses it often in the summer.

    They were the only two cars that the guys at the servicing garage in town would drive over specially to collect...funny that.

    With Caterhams the general rule is simplest/basic is best. Big mega engines are a waste of time as the design is inherently flawed in its aerodynamics. Once you hit the 90-100mph range the power needed to go over that goes up exponentially.

    1. Wyrdness

      Re: My dad and my brother...

      What about using something like the Suzuki GSX1250 (Bandit) engine in one? It's certainly not a mega-powerful race engine at under 100bhp, but is an absolute torque-monster with around 81 lbf·ft (108nm) at just 3,750rpm. I was once lent a Bandit 1250 and it's a cracking powerplant for road use.

      1. jason 7

        Re: My dad and my brother...

        It might. It's just that owning and driving a Caterham is all about the raw essence of driving. It's like taking up a Tiger Moth rather than a Jetstream.

        The less clutter and electronics the better. You only need an engine that goes up to 80-90mph anyway because with a Caterham whatever speed you are actually doing over 40mph, it feels 30mph faster than it really is.

        Simple engines in the Caterham are great too if you like home servicing. Garages love working on them for that reason as they don't need to mess around.

        Keep it simple.

        1. mark 63 Silver badge

          Re: My dad and my brother...

          I too thought simple engines were nice till I learned how the new ones worked. Carburettors can fuck right off into the dustbin of history as far as I'm concerned. You noticed how cars start in the morning and decent mpg these days? thats cos carbs have finally been ousted.

          And in order for this story to be in thereg rather than 5th gear he should have got the raspberry pi to run the fuel injection and the sparks :)

          1. monkeyfish

            Re: My dad and my brother...

            Luckily, the world revolved around him

            Does anyone really mind the sound of proper engine at full chat? It's the 50cc mosquitoes that need to be silenced (or, indeed, the silencer being put back where it came from).

    2. Van

      Re: My dad and my brother...

      "Twin carbs and an exhaust that popped and crackled like crazy. You could hear that car coming into the village from about two miles away"

      Luckily, the world revolved around him

  11. Jan 0
    Thumb Down

    Interactive photo?

    Keep it simple elReg. Much as I'd like to explore the photo, I can't be bothered to check out each of the blocked scripts on the page to see which one will reveal the image.

    1. Zimmer

      Re: Interactive photo?

      Echo that... brought Opera on Linux to a virtual standstill here.... as do all the dodgy ads from Microsoft...

      1. imanidiot Silver badge

        Re: Interactive photo?

        Also, for me, the help "screen" on the lytro photos wouldn't go away. I could close it, but if I dared click anyway it would just pop back up again. really annoying.

      2. Anomalous Cowturd


        Script weeder and Ghostery extensions are what you need to put a stop to all that malarkey.

        HTH HAND


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Interactive photo?

      It didn't do anything significant for me either, all it had was an image that jiggled about a bit for no obvious reason in response to clicks, drags, etc. No script blocker. Firefox 33.0, Win7.

      Anybody actually seeing it do anything meaningful? With what software?

  12. Dr Trevor Marshall

    I love Gordon's photographs

    First time I have seem Lytro in action. Good tech for El Reg... Especially the rear-view mirror view... Hope you let him take the wheel a few times :)

  13. Mad Hacker

    Shut up and take my money!

    How do I get one in the states?!

    1. Les Matthew

      Re: Shut up and take my money!

      "How do I get one in the states?!"

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How do I get one in the states?!

      You wouldn't enjoy it, your roads are too straight and wide.

      1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

        Re:AC Re: How do I get one in the states?!

        "....your roads are too straight and wide." The US has a much lower population density than the UK, a lot more countryside, and even real mountains with suitably snaking mountain roads. You might have known this if you had actually been to the States.

        1. BongoJoe

          Re: Re:AC How do I get one in the states?!

          I think you need to understand the level of irony which sloshes around these boards. It's generally so deep that it has its own tide tables.

  14. s. pam
    Thumb Up

    Why is the car off in all pictures?

    Hi guys,

    Nice surprise to see an analogue article vs. fully digital, from another Caterham owner. We've had ours more than 12 years and it's been (literally) all over Europe and the world (USA and Oz). Never missed a beat, and with the R500 engine you can look for 0-60 times nearer 3.2 sec. We've only made 3 mods in all the years -- intercom that plugs into music, 12v outlet and a Rallye computer.

    We've done most all the interesting islands in Europe, been to Rome a few times, done the major passes in Austrla, Switzerland (including the scary morning we foolishly overtook a snowplow) and gone across the US's Rocky Mountains and the Golden Gate Bridge.

    Other than that, it's the most fun you can have in a car with your clothes on! Or as another friend says, In Space no one can hear you scream, in a Se7en, no one can smell your bottom :):)

  15. captain veg Silver badge


    "When I took my seatbelt off, the Caterham 160 didn’t beep at me. I didn’t get electronically reprimanded when I got out and left the headlights on "

    You just sold it to me.

    Cars should *never* beep at you except possibly to warn that you are about to reverse into something solid. I don't want it to turn the wipers on for me, nor the headlights, nor apply the parking brake. I can do all of those thing just fine for myself, thanks. Better, in fact. I don't even want self-cancelling indicators. I can do that better than the car too. I'm the driver, godammit!


    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Sold

      Just bought my first American car (not my fault)

      It locks all the doors when you go above 10mph and they stay locked even when you stop and turn the engine off. The drivers door opens but you have to press a button to release the passengers, I keep walking off to see my wife fuming at being kept prisoner.

      And for some reason I don't understand, the remote unlock doesn't do the driver's door - you have to use the key to get in.

      If I wasn't a programmer I would RTFM and find out how to stop it.

      1. werdsmith Silver badge

        American Car

        Also have instructions on their mirrors on how to use them.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Sold

        My car has this but it is easily programmable via the touchscreen. The Wtf here is obviously the software, not the technology which is good if you have children in the car.

    2. Graham 24

      Re: Sold

      It's all very well saying that you don't want all the techy stuff, but when your small child runs out into the road on one rainy afternoon, I bet you won't be thinking "cars don't need ABS".

      There are some things that these days cars *can* do better than the driver.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Sold

        But you might be better if the person is driving a caterham or even a 2CV, without ABS, rather than a 4ton SUV with the driver playing with the touch screen.

        1. Graham 24

          Re: Sold

          Yes, but if the Caterham and 2CV had ABS, they'd stop even quicker than without.

          1. imanidiot Silver badge

            Re: Sold

            Unless the driver has had SOME training and knows how to handle non-abs brakes, in which case the car will stop even quicker. (seriously, abs still lets the wheels lock up slightly, causing the characteristic interrupted brake mark. A skilled driver can apply JUST a bit less brake pressure than locking up the wheels en keep the tire rolling. This creates more brake force than the interrupted skid of ABS)

            ABS is better for MOST drivers and in MOST situations, but it's not the IDEAL solution

            1. Graham 24

              Re: Sold

              Not sure that's true anymore. It certainly was when ABS first came out, but modern ABS systems don't let the wheels lock up. The reluctor rings provide sufficient speed information to let the system modulate the brake pressure up to 50 times a second as a wheel speed drops, and independently for each wheel, before any wheel starts to skid.

              I doubt very much whether a human driver, no matter how skilled can

              a) detect a skid in a few milliseconds

              b) pump the brake pedal 50 times a second

              c) provide different brake pressures to each wheel

  16. DocJD


    Why are cars so expensive in the UK?

    I bought a new BMW X1 here in the US for the equivalent of 20,000 pounds.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Prices

      All cars are born with the steering wheel on the left - even those built in Britain. Cars destined for Britain must be taken to a secret monastery in the Himalayas where saffron robbed monks change the wheel over for right hand drive. This is an expensive process.

      This is why even cars built in Britain for foreigners are cheaper to buy on the continent than at home.

    2. Graham 24

      Re: Prices - Need the exact model for a comparision, but...

      Does that include all sales taxes? List price in the UK for a base-model X1 is £24,230, but that includes 20% VAT (our UK sales tax), so it's £20,190 ex tax, or about what you paid.

      1. jason 7

        Re: Prices - Need the exact model for a comparision, but...

        It's an odd one. I remember wanting to buy a Ford Puma when all the car importing stuff was going on with Carbusters etc. at the turn of the century.

        The local Ford Dealer wanted £16000 for a Puma.

        I went to Carbusters and they asked just £12000 for a UK 1.7 spec Puma.

        Now that £12000 car had the Ford factory cut, the Ford dealer in Duisburg cut, the UK importers cut and also Carbusters take too plus VAT etc. and still came in £4000 cheaper.

      2. DocJD

        Re: Prices - Need the exact model for a comparision, but...

        That included taxes and $2000 of options.

        But it was probably below list price. No one pays list price for a normal car.

  17. Richard Taylor 2

    "This is a car where paint is an optional extra and the rawness is exhilarating."

    Mine, 20 odd years old, free from road duty, actually economical (1600 Ford Engine) is a delight. Having said that I do almost as many mile per year on a bicycle as I do on with the Caterham - but both are very enjoyable.

  18. Getriebe

    Narrow tyres and low power

    Are the recipe for fun. Also direct steering and stiff suspension. All of which is found in Frazer Nash or HRG. Both prove the value of utter simplicity and solid axles

    If this simple car was fun, beg borrow or steal a drive in a mid 30s Frazer, and experience immediacy of response we have all forgotten about.

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: Narrow tyres and low power

      Heh. I had the delight of watching a Chain Gang Frazer Nash at a filling station recently. It was occupied by two rather large people, with a total width about 50% greater than the car, and a lot of luggage in there with them. The FN has no doors, and the gent driving it had a stiff leg.

      His reentry process involved removing everything from his seat and piling it on his missus, removing the steering wheel and placing it on the bonnet, clambering (stiff-legged) onto the seat, after removing the external handbrake from his trouser leg, and dropping into the cockpit. His missus then returned all his goodies, which took some time to redistribute, and then he reached for the steering wheel... which was out of reach.

      Return goodies to missus, stand on seat again, lean over to get steering wheel, be dragged back to vertical by missus, collapse into cockpit this time clutching steering wheel, fit steering wheel, collect goodies, start engine, look around trying to remember where he left the handbrake, and finally, ten minutes after he started, pull the car away.

      Only to park twenty yards away and engage in further gymnastics for some reason I was unable to ascertain...

      Character, that's what these old cars bring.

      (My choice of steed: a kit car weighing 800g, with a fiat coupe 20v turbo lump in replacing a 1300 ford engine. It moves quite quickly.)

      1. Getriebe

        Re: Narrow tyres and low power

        Sounds like a typical member of the chain gang. Mad, bad and dangerous to know - but much smiling.

      2. J P

        " a kit car weighing 800g..."

        Now that's an impressive power to weight ratio - but you must have had to sacrifice a degree of structural rigidity/material to get it quite so light..?

        (Finest driving experience - Alpine A110 1600s, 160bhp, no idea what it weighed, but it flew. Literally, when the throttles got jammed while practising for a sprint event; I suspect it will hold the all time altitude record for Curborough sprint circuit. Favourite - 1932 Aston New International. Makes me smile even thinking about it; not quite so "direct" as an FN, and notoriously underpowered, but rewarding in a way that no modern car can even approach)

  19. teabag36

    Light Car Challenge

    Great article. The AZ-1 mention appreciated - I've always wanted one.

    The 160 - a super car. The last time I really enjoyed driving was in my brother's Caterham - its also the only car I've ever spun.

    There aren't many cars I have taken out to drive, just for the fun of it. The Caterham being one, my 10in mini being the other.

    The key is lightness. I really struggled to buy a car weighing under a tonne which has any fun factor at all. The Caterham is to expensive BUT, lightness brings dynamic response and driver satisfaction.

    So, no that I'm ready to get a new car, what can I buy that's under a tonne, exciting for less than 15k?

    1. SirTainleyBarking
      Thumb Up

      Re: Light Car Challenge

      Apart from the obvious Caterhams and Morgans, the more "regular" vehicles that are below the magic Tonne are things like Citroen C1, Ford Kak, Toyota iQ and Smart Cars.

      Not my idea of fun.

      Now if I could get my hands on a nice 3 wheeler Morgan .....Yum

    2. Getriebe

      Re: Light Car Challenge

      "So, no that I'm ready to get a new car, what can I buy that's under a tonne, exciting for less than 15k?"

      Go and look at a Renault Club Sport, not the current but the one just gone - the final one with hydraulic power steering

      1050 kilos with me and half a tank of gas. Weighed at my local Porsche/MOT garage.

      Anything with electric power steering might be 'economical' but no feeling. Discussions with a steering engineer working on cars you might buy confirmed this.

      Having owned every hot hatch from XR3 (note - no I) onwards I will say this was the best mix of abilities and speed.

      Often used to head of to mid Wales and throw it around the moorland roads, using a couple of tanks of gas in the process, never failed to excite and always a better car than me!!

      And yet we took it across Europe on tours of France and Spain, in relative comfort,

  20. Super Fast Jellyfish

    Max height?

    I have to ask - having driven a Morgan as a birthday 'driving experience' a few years ago - what's the maximum height of a driver without it getting uncomfortable after half an hour?

    1. Getriebe

      Re: Max height?

      Of course depends what age of Morgan. I am 1m 96cm - none are comfortable for anything over say 2 hrs.

      Anyhow they are shit. All of them.

    2. Matt Bryant Silver badge

      Re: Super Fast Jellyfish Re: Max height?

      Well, Jeremy Clarkson used to own a bog-standard Classic Seven with the 1.4 K-series, and he wasn't exactly small then. If width rather than height is the issue there are wider cockpit models and competitors, the Westfield actually being the better wide-cockpit option (presumably because of the Northern deep-fried Mars bar diet).

      1. Getriebe

        Re: Super Fast Jellyfish Max height?

        "(presumably because of the Northern deep-fried Mars bar diet)."

        Arsehole - they are made in The Black Country. Its the Bathams Ales that causes the spread, and the pork scratchin's

        1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

          Re: Getriebe Re: Super Fast Jellyfish Max height?

          ".....they are made in The Black Country....." TBH, anything north of Watford = 'The North'.

  21. Alex McDonald 1

    I'm crying my eyes out

    I sold my beloved 7 earlier this year. For 7.5K. 1993 1700 Ford xflow with a Marina rear axle. Huge 4 into 1 racing exhaust, noise like cannon fire on the overrun.

    Jeez. I must have been mad getting rid of the old girl.

  22. Richard Taylor 2
    Thumb Up

    There is a boot but it’s tiny and most of the time its half full of rolled-up roof. I did take it shopping but could only buy half what I would normally and even then I had to leave the roof at home.

    On my 20 year old Caterham, the roof rarely travels - it really is awful and getting into the 7 with the roof on is a contortionists wet dream. Instead I rely on a flat cover which unzips around the driver, and travelling at more than 30mph which takes most of the rain over the top. That and a prett waterproof cabin. Insurance is negligible as I don't expect to do more than 5k a year (a good year). With a 1600 ford engine, I get 45mpg If pushing it, and 55 in normal use. A blast - inexpensive to buy, run and maintain. It also gets grins all round.

  23. Fenton


    Well you can now get Elise S1s for around the 6 to 8 grand mark these days.

    Not quite as raw as a 7 but still puts a smile on your face.

    I'm planning on building a 7 with my son for his first car based around a really low powered engine doner car to keep his insurance as low as possible. He'll learn how to maintain it in the process as well.

  24. Richard Scratcher

    Ahhh! that brings back memories

    I had a Caterham Super 7 many years ago - it was so much fun to drive but about as practical as a speed boat. I wanted to buy it as a kit (or "component form" as they advertised then) but, during my 12 months on the waiting list, the price went up by 20% and the wait by 50% so I ended up getting a built-and-sold-back model.

    There was nothing on that car that wasn't necessary and it was simple to maintain. The indicator switch was a toggle switch on the dash that you had to remember to cancel. The handbrake was mounted transversely above the top of your passenger's legs (oops! sorry love). The gear leaver was the size of an Atari joystick and sat on top of the transmission tunnel that ran along your side and separated you from the passenger. There was enough heat from that for the winter months.

    People were always interested in the car and would ask questions such as "Aren't you worried you might get mugged by a gang of midgets at the lights?"

    After driving this car every day I got back into my battered old MK3 Escort and it felt like I was driving a bus. The steering wheel seemed massive and it felt like the car was leaning 45° when I went around roundabouts.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ahhh! that brings back memories

      Thousands of drug dealers around the world would doubtless tell you speedboats are very practical indeed.

  25. Matt Bryant Silver badge

    BEWARE! Expensively addictive!

    It all starts out OK, you get a 'small-engined' Seven, like the K-series 1.4, and before you know it, you've paid out for an Appleyard conversion or are working out which one of the kids you could sell to buy yourself an R500!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: BEWARE! Expensively addictive!

      Selling a child is cruel. You should sell them all - that way they get to stay together and you can get a few track days for the newest member of the family.

  26. zen1

    eh I don't care if it has a 2bbl carb or is efi or whether or not it has ABS. I think the car is damn cool and would love to have one. I'd trade my pickup truck for one in a hot second.

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