Re: hold on...
> reductio ad absurdam doesn't help your argument and fails in any case. There's nothing wrong with crayon art
Hardly meant to be taken seriously. Plus, there are people don't think Latin is too bad, just as you like crayon art.
>What you're not going to do is write a program that changes the way the world thinks about anything in Pascal. You'll bin it. You will waste idea after idea on a dead language.
I never mentioned any language, if I was desiging a course for kids to learn "proper" langauge based programming Pascal would certainly not be considered
> It's like suggesting that kids should write all their essays in Saxon English rendering them effectively worthless for the future.
So the concepts and ideas the child expressed in Saxon English would not be abe to be transfered to a different language? True, I'm sure there is likely to be some aesthetics lost in translation if it was poetry.
This week, I've worked in C (no ++ there), java and javascript on the same system, that software shares the same domain model, interact with each other via a defined vocabulary/contract, there is even an embedded DSL based on scheme in there. The nature of the language imposes some mechanical issues at the implementation level but that is all they are, _implementation details_. In the same way I might print a picture with laods of tiny dots or pain the same image with brush strokes.
The implementation medium is a way to express your intent, if you can't express your intent in a particular language easily then it is the wrong choice for the problem, this looks perfectly good for 10 year olds sterring a Dalek