Do iPhones/iPads allow SIM swap without a restart
If so, it is not that difficult to swap data plans. Obviously a dual SIM is better for the people that need two SIMS and no more.
My phone lets me just pop one out and pop a new one in, about 20s - as I did previously when leaving EE for Three. The hardest part would be making sure the loose SIM was not lost.
No restart, little hassle.
But what these tablets really need is a system that automatically connects to a Bluetooth-paired phone, switches on the internet sharing feature and uses the phone data plan over Wi-Fi. If other tablets are like Surface/Win8, they have a switch that says the connection is metered and to only use it (in the background at least) for smaller data transfers, getting mail, IMs etc. but not mega-downloads unless specifically requested.
If they did this then a) A Wi-Fi-only tablet would always up-to-date email etc. and b) Be more usable, more quickly on the road.
It barely affects me but occasionally I would like to have used a tablet somewhere but used the phone because it was easier than setting the sharing on - which is pretty easy. The biggest problem is waiting for the Wi-Fi to actually detect and connect. If that latter mechanism were super-fast (because the tablet was requesting it rather than idling and detecting it) then the whole mechanism would be smoother.
I am not a road-warrior type that needs a SIM-based tablet/laptop setup so a Wi-Fi only unit is always gonna be OK for me.
Everyone that buys one of these Apple things has an phone and a data plan already so the only real use is for regular international travel to multiple destinations which require data on the road - a very small demographic indeed.