A suggestion for MS
As far as I can tell, they refuse to sell Windows 7 (e.g. Professional) FPP ('full retail') at all.
I bought a used gaming PC for a good price, and it did not include a Windows CoA. So I went looking for an OS for it, specifically Windows 7 Professional. I wanted the FPP version so that if my used PC burned up, at least the license could be moved around legally.
As far as I could tell, Microsoft's policy was religion-based that "Yee Shall Convert To Windows 8 and Yee Shall Not Be Sold Windows 7."
I understand that there are some non-intuitive solutions, but they seem to cost about $300.
The suggestion is: Why don't they turn on the Windows 7 FPP factory again? I've got a crisp stack of cash if they'd be willing to put down the Windows 8 Bible for a minute, and take my money.
Their Windows 8 policies are equivalent to insane and/or stupid. Now that they've seemingly gotten over the cult-like approach and essentially admitted that Win 8 is a failure, then the next logical interim step is to release a flood of Win 7 Pro FPP for about $100 per copy. I'd guess that they could stir up a few hundred million dollars in sales.