Re: FriendFace! FriendFace! FriendFace!
"1. Once people have entrenched themselves in a set up with all their mates, the whole party has to move else no one will.
2. Wait for the next "generation" to decide against established social network and pick a new one.
3. You couldn't careless about any of this social networking bollocks and simply want a bloody good laugh at all the muppets and their so called online "friends"!"
I see quite a bit of Facebook-fatigue, but that's more with FB playing games with what comes up on your feed than the ads. The Ads aren't very noticeable if you're competent at using a browser (as in installing adblock) so I don't think most people care. I see a lot of people abandoning it for twitter since it's a lot more low-key.
As for #3, I've been out with my friends way more since FB than before, it's a lot easier to coordinate than via phone or text. Maybe if all your friends go to the same pub every night it's easier to skip it.