back to article Apple: SO sorry for the iOS 8.0.1 UPDATE BUNGLE HORROR

Apple on Wednesday released iOS 8.0.1 and then quickly recalled it – after people complained the "update" had broken cellular connections and Touch ID. The bungled release was supposed to fix bugs in version 8 of the operating system, which was released this month, including problems that delayed the rollout of its broken …

  1. Khaptain Silver badge

    Maids a milking

    Seems like both MS and Apple are having some V8 problems. Just wait ill they get to 13.

    1. Bob Vistakin

      Re: Maids a milking

      As if "Your're holding it wrong 2.0" isn't enough.

      Pay more for the superior Apple user experience. Now that's what I call Thinking fucking Different.

    2. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: Maids a milking

      Seems to me like Apple's problems are outnumbering Microsoft's right now. Microsoft have just gone in an undesirable direction; Apple appear to have had trouble getting a fully-working piece of software out the door to meet their hardware deadlines.

      Heads should roll, but don't ask me in which department. Was it an unrealistic deadline or was the realistic deadline simply handled poorly? So heads probably won't roll.

      1. Vector

        Re: Maids a milking

        "Was it an unrealistic deadline or was the realistic deadline simply handled poorly?"

        Depends on whether the Reality Distortion Field™ is still in effect.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward


          the Reality Distortion Field™ has been on the blink ever since St Steve the prophet has left this mortal coil

          1. Vector

            Re: @Vector

            Are we sure he's gone? I coulda swore I saw him and Elvis at a gas station in the Nevada desert!

            1. Trigonoceps occipitalis

              Re: @Vector

              Were they riding Shergar?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Maids a milking

        Apple needs to get rid of the yearly OS schedule, OS X isn't much better and has had issues since Snow Leopard. When you run into a big bug/issue (with OS X) there is no hope it will be fixed in the current version, all you can hope for is that the next major release fixes it.

        1. khisanth

          Re: Maids a milking

          Agreed. More time will mean less bugs, better product and also people will value it more. Getting a new OS every year and also for free in my head makes me value it less.

      3. Ralph B

        Re: Maids a milking

        Apple appear to have had trouble getting a fully-working piece of software out the door to meet their hardware deadlines.

        Judging on how that sticky-out lens camera lens cover on the back of the iPhone 6 looks like an tacked-on solution to an unexpectedly large component within, I'd say that Apple appear to have had trouble getting a fully-working combination of hardware AND software out the door to meet their marketing deadlines

        1. Indolent Wretch

          Re: Maids a milking

          Amusingly on the day Apple say they are taking their time with the watch because as an Apple product it has to be perfect. Unlike other companies who are on their 4th or 5th by now...

      4. menotu

        Re: Maids a milking

        Heads will roll ?? ... Timmy should be first... no excuse for this..but in a good note..apparently ios 8.2 update will UNBEND the phone /s ( yes the iSheep are that stupid

      5. richard_w

        Re: Maids a milking

        I dislike both Apple and microsoft, but I have to say that Microsoft does know how to write software which does not break. All Apple had to do was fix a small issue in what is tiny compared to Windows, and has limited functionality compared to windows which for one thing runs on a plethora of platforms, and can attach hundreds of i/o devices.

        And they screw it up

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Maids a milking

          "I dislike both Apple and microsoft, but I have to say that Microsoft does know how to write software which does not break."


          And in the rest of the news - bears prefer lavender scented flushing toilets and the pope turns out to be a muslim!

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      At least there was an update

      My Android phone has seen nothing for a year.

      1. Deltics

        Re: At least there was an update

        Just curious, what is it that needs fixing ? Or do you just need the software equivalent of a hug, to make you feel loved ?

  2. Brian Miller

    Fax would be an upgrade...

    Because then the "phone" could actually make calls.

    No, the next release will fully brick it, thus making it fully functional as one half of a pair of mallets you can use to beat a jungle drum!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Fax would be an upgrade...

      The iPhone 6 Plus won't make a very good mallet as it will bend.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Perhaps next time Apple will choose Planxty for their keynote Irish act. I have slightly modified lyrics to suit:

    An iPhone 6 I own I gave you

    An iPhone 6 to hold in your right hand

    But the case is bent and the software's broken

    And you spaffed in excess of half a grand.

    1. Bob Vistakin

      Re: Optional

      And as it happens, the new iPhone 6 ad is out now.

  4. Eddy Ito

    It probably doesn't matter. From what I've seen most of the early adopters were doing a publicity stunt, line sitting for resellers or bought them to "test" the iPhone's resistance to various dunks, drops and bullets. I haven't personally seen anyone actually using the new iPhone either live or on video.

    1. Carl W

      I ordered mine on Friday (from EE) and it turned up on Monday. Actually they tried to deliver it on Saturday. Been using it all week. My minimum contract term ended in July so rather than get a 5S I thought I'd hold out for the 6. It's OK but I'm not impressed with the camera sticking out of the back or the back cover in general -- I thought the zenith was reached with the glass-backed 4/4S.

    2. ThomH Silver badge

      I saw my first out-on-the-street user today. But I live in San Francisco, so almost a week is actually a surprisingly long delay. I've seen Google Glasses and Segways, after all. You know, while I'm not jealously eyeing up those making their escape back into mainstream society.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And that's why ..

    .. I never install it first, or buy new hardware first.

    It's the one trick that works across all platforms and across all operating systems and other software: patience. I know it's old fashioned in a world of instant gratification, but /ever/ so useful :)

    So, early upgraders of all ilk, you're not impressing me.

    To borrow a phrase, I fart in your general direction.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: And that's why ..

      More importantly, what is the Air Speed Velocity of a swallow?

      1. Richard Taylor 2

        Re: And that's why ..

        More importantly, what is the Air Speed Velocity of a swallow?

        What type of Swallow? I know, I'll get my coat....

    2. Velv

      Re: And that's why ..

      I've always followed the same philosophy, waiting a time before installing a release. They only came along once a year and it was easy to wait a couple of months to see what bugs got flushed out.

      More and more developers are releasing smaller but more frequent releases - I hate the word agile, its not agile, its lazy and poor development practise not interested in producing well written and well tested code first time - "fuck it, the users will test it and we can fix it quickly".

      So the time between releases is shortened, and as a user I need to test more often. This ultimately costs me more time and money overall since there are more releases. Every release carries the potential to break something, and all we're doing is increasing that risk, this being a perfect example (and I'm not just getting at Apple, almost all developers are doing it).

      There are a few good developers out there working properly and in an agile manner. But being agile requires a much stronger discipline than traditional development cycles, something lacking in many development houses and teams.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: And that's why ..

        More and more developers are releasing smaller but more frequent releases - I hate the word agile, its not agile, its lazy and poor development practise not interested in producing well written and well tested code first time - "fuck it, the users will test it and we can fix it quickly".

        Yup. It moves the testing phase of development out to the users, who both get to pay early for the privilege and to suffer the problems of shoddy code. It moves the risk from the software developer to the customer.

        I blame Microsoft for this - they discovered they could get away with this with production code, and have been doing it ever since because it saves them both development time (thus costs) and shortens time to market (or, more accurately, time to your money).

        1. fdlchris

          Re: And that's why ..

          BRILLIANT!!! Apple fucks up on their shoddy software and somehow, Microsoft is to blame.

          Fanbois, why didn't I see that coming?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: And that's why ..

            BRILLIANT!!! Apple fucks up on their shoddy software and somehow, Microsoft is to blame.

            Fanbois, why didn't I see that coming?

            First people whinge that nobody acknowledges the brilliant contributions Microsoft has made to the IT world and when we then give them credit for a first people complain again.

            There's just no pleasing some people. Sigh :)

    3. fedoraman

      Re: And that's why ..

      "Your mother was a 'amster and your father smelled of elderberries!"

  6. Harry the Bastard

    i bought a nice rimowa suitcase instead

    that way even when it gets bent or dented, it'll probably still work, and i won't have to worry about updates bricking it or apple spluffing the contents all over the interwebs

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      what about the NSA backdoor - in your new Rimowa suitcase?

      sorry, that should have read TSA backdoor - in your new Rimowa suitcase (TSA = Transportation Security-theatre Administration)

      personally I use a shapeless backpack, cover it in chicken wire, then put inside a potato sack

      (True! - well I did once, long trip around Peru , a nice German suitcase would have worked just as well)

  7. stucs201

    Re: On the plus side, maybe their HealthKit apps are working better now?

    They can monitor their walk to the nearest phone box (which might be quite a distance these days).

  8. eSeM

    Every year I expect Apple to say a big thank you to the fanboys for beta testing the latest version of iOS ..... but they never do.

    1. Admiral Grace Hopper


  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I'm glad I didn't jump in head first like I usually do on the iOS updates!

    1. khisanth

      Re: Oooops!

      I did , with my 5 and the update process failed ! Now it says I dont need to update, but the red highlight on the settings icon is still there as if it wants me to finish the update!

  10. i like crisps

    I shouldn't laugh...

    Oh go on then.

  11. Steven Raith

    Thanks again....

    ..for another broderline troll article that is fantastic for gently joshing my Apple-loving chums.

    As I don't work for an Apple Authorised service outlet any more* I'm only to happy to spread the venom and wind 'em up a bit.

    But in all seriousness, getting the update pulled within two hours is pretty impressive (and a gutsy move given it was meant to fix Healthkit IIRC) - it begs the question, what has actually caused this, and how did it get past QA?

    Steven 'I support Linux now' R

    *although I was never that good at biting my tongue even then, arf

    1. Oninoshiko

      Re: Thanks again....

      I'm pretty sure I know how it got past QA. Apple doesn't actually consider making phone-calls to be a primary function of these devices, so it wasn't adequately tested. This is also why, I think, they rated so low on call quality for so long.

      I honestly think apple considers the "phone" functionality to be a "legacy feature"

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Thanks again....

        There is a bit of truth in that. For most people, calling is probably a minority of the time they spend using a smartphone. Still very important, of course, but no longer the primary activity as it was in the feature phone days.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Thanks again....

          If you can't make calls with the iPhone 6, I'm not sure what else you can do with it, battery life being what it's been reported ...

          Use it as an expensive sushi plate perhaps?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Thanks again....

            You mean the Anandtech review that showed its battery life exceeds that of both the GS5 and Note 3 by over 10% despite a much smaller battery, and the 6 Plus going beyond that by another 20%?

            Just because Samsung makes ads claiming that iPhones have battery life issues doesn't make it true.

            1. Fluffy Bunny

              Re: Thanks again....

              And yet you still can't take an old battery out and plug a new one in.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Thanks again....

                If you have a phone that can go 10 to 13 hours browsing the web, how exactly are you ever going to run out of battery? I suppose if you're on calls 12 hours a day you might, but I don't see battery life as an issue now and getting additional battery life is irrelevant to me. Being able to swap the battery is even more irrelevant.

                If it is a problem for you or you have some sort of paranoid fears of running out of battery, then by all means make sure you have a battery that can be swapped. The idea that someone needs a battery in the 3000 mAh range AND it needs to be swappable is utterly ludicrous to me.

    2. VinceH

      Re: Thanks again....

      "..for another broderline troll article that is fantastic for gently joshing my Apple-loving chums."

      It almost makes me wish I was still on Facebook*. One thing I particularly enjoyed on Facebook was linking to pieces like this, specifically to bring it to the attention of my two Apple-loving brothers.

      * Almost.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As someone else posted for a previous Apple story - they have royally fucked up this time. Over priced bendy phone and extremely buggy software. Rushing to market for quantity is destroying quality.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Is it really rushing to market when you set the deadlines yourself and you have no competitive pressure? (I mean, there haven't been any major Samsung announcements for the past few weeks, nor are any planned for the next few weeks that I'm aware of...)

      1. Annoyed Grunt

        Of course they have competitive pressure, they have to deliver new innovative functionality to keep abreast of the ever changing mobile market. They absolutely are rushing to market, a) because they have annual deadlines set by the board and b) because the primary target demographic demands change.

        It's the same for pretty much all IT product organisations, the market is moving so quickly there has been a shift from the traditional engineering delivery model to a deliver features now and fix problems later method.

        The end result is products not fit for purpose.

        Would we expect Audi to deliver a new car but the doors don't open, and then accept when they say working doors will come as a service update later on?

        1. Martin Maloney

          "Of course they have competitive pressure, they have to deliver new innovative functionality to keep abreast of the ever changing mobile market..."

          That also applies to brassiere manufacturers.

        2. Primus Secundus Tertius

          @ A Grunt

          I once bought a new Renault. Drove it home, put my usual junk into the boot, then the boot door would not close.

          After that I defected to Ford.

        3. Someone Else Silver badge

          @ Annoyed Grunt

          Would we expect Audi to deliver a new car but the doors don't open, and then accept when they say working doors will come as a service update later on?

          Actually, this accurtately describes an experience my girlfriend and I had with a Peugeot 504 diesel back in the late 70's. The doors failed a total of 9 (count 'em...9!) times before the lemon law kicked in, and the Peugeot got turned into a Subaru

        4. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          If anyone is rushing to market, it is Samsung

          They pushed the release of the Note 4 up, at least in China. I guess they saw an opening from Apple's approval delay there. Or who knows, maybe even greased the right palms to cause that delay...

  13. Wilson! Wilson!

    If this would happen to....

    If the same problems happened to other companies with much smaller market-share like HTC, LG, Sony, MS, BlackBerry or Motorola they would suffer a terrible fate... BlackBerry would have to give up the hardware business for good if their new Passport was flimsy and broke within 24 hours or if the phone turned into a useless brick. The blogosphere/twitter/press would be howling.

    1. Law

      Re: If this would happen to....

      Not only them with the software updates - Sony have been introducing bugs and disabling key features with updates since they took over the Sony Ericsson bit. My Xperia S was a good example of this.... smartphone with an awesome camera, that post update, wouldn't focus. After a year it was obvious they weren't going to fix it, or the numerous other bugs they introduced, so I sold the thing.

      I'm all for Apple getting some stick over this though, and the new iBend feature. Buggy updates were what prompted me to sell my iPhone 3G back in 2010 too.

  14. scarshapedstar

    On the plus side, this spares users from having to interact with it.

  15. Anonymous Coward


    That is all...

  16. Hud Dunlap

    Time to get rid of Cook.

    Obviously the people he has put in charge can't do the job.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Obviously poor testing by the NSA on their backdoors to the baseband and biometric ID

  18. skeptical i

    Kinda' sad, Apple used to wear the "it just /works/" crown ...

    ... now it's fallen a bit. Hope whatever money they saved by not doing more pre-launch testing was worth it. [* casts apprehensive glance at my iPad, which has just upgraded to 8, and hopes '8' is not interweb-speak for 'ate' *]

    1. Fluffy Bunny

      Re: Kinda' sad, Apple used to wear the "it just /works/" crown ...

      But to be truthful, that "it just works" claim really meant "you can only do things I choose to let you do". So Apple don't choose to let you make phone calls anymore. Big deal, you still have that shiny new thing you queued for days to get. Bragging rights is all you really want in an iPhone, isn't it?

      1. Terry Barnes

        Re: Kinda' sad, Apple used to wear the "it just /works/" crown ...

        In British English as well, "it just works" has a second meaning - to get the same meaning in American English, insert the word "only" after "it".

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Kinda' sad, Apple used to wear the "it just /works/" crown ...

      The "It just works" quote is pure Apple marketing or RDF, aka Bullshit.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Kinda' sad, Apple used to wear the "it just /works/" crown ...

      It does just work, it's just broken. Boo-hoo. People talk here like Apple like robots who can never fall fowl of a mistake when dev'ing their software. Actually, it's high standards they like to upkeep that have let them down. Is that wrong? Nope.

      Shame Google don't keep up standards with Android. They should start with their UI for a start before anyone pokes fun at iOS.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My only exposure to Apple is iTunes

    And boy have the last 2 updates sucked balls!

  20. JaitcH

    Now we know why Apple was ...

    going to use Sapphire glass ... to keep the damn thing flat!

    Apple used cheap alumin(i)um - they have high strength/tensile alloys but they cost.

    But Apple could fix it easily - just make the speaker squeal VERY LOUDLY when someone is squeezing their iThingy too hard.

    The Guardian has a pictorial guide on the way Apple should be worn. See: < >. It is specifically written for iSheep who also have problems plugging connectors in the right way.

    1. Jes.e

      Re: Now we know why Apple was ...

      Regarding the Guardian pictorial..

      Aside from the "Is that a phone in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?" horrifying fashion pics, it really doesn't look like *any* pocket (save the men's button jacket) is a good way of carrying the device.

      How *is* one supposed to carry one about?

      Is the man purse, sporran, or cod piece coming back into style for us guys?


      My sister tucks her windows phone into her brassiere if anyone is interested.

      Can't hear it ringing though..

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I wonder...

    I wonder what would happen if most of those millions of phones are returned because they are half baked? It would be something to see. Iphone heads fight back.: )

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I still can't get past the fact that iPhones require a computer with iTunes to perform basic maintenance tasks. My devices shouldn't have to depend on one another.

    1. Mike Bell

      Re: Arcane

      What 'fact' would that be? The fact is that over-the-air maintenance has been available for years on iPhones. Connecting to a PC for maintenance is a last resort. Or maybe taking it to an Apple Store.

      1. Rafikibob

        Re: Arcane

        Which troll has been through here downvoting all the "PCs are no longer required" posts? What is it with people who believe their personal pool of angst drowns out material facts? Mike, I'm pretty sure you're correct.

  23. Thomas Letherby

    Surely the answer is

    You're folding it wrong?

  24. Rafikibob


    Hasn't required a computer for several IOS versions now has it? IIRC

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Computer?

      We're not in Kansas anymore, so even Apple says you gotta grab iTunes to fix things.


  25. Mat Rule

    Apple != Quality anymore

    Pay top wack and get something that hasn't been tested very well. Nice.

  26. Stretch

    This has all brought me total and blissful joy.

  27. Dan 55 Silver badge

    This is while Agile is crap

    The hardware's not finished.

    The software's not finished.

    Shipping date met though. Well done everyone.

    1. AceRimmer

      Re: This is while Agile is crap

      Any methodology is only as good as the people using it

  28. Timbo

    why oh why don't they get it right first time ?

    ...and this is why I'm not a first adopter of all this new fangled tech ;)

    let some other fanbois get all the grief and I'll wait until the fixes are released and then I won't have the apgro.

    anyways, back to my Win 3.11 PC and if that fails, my abacus and stonemasons chisel :(

    1. heyrick Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: why oh why don't they get it right first time ?

      Win3.11 works surprisingly well (*) on a RPi with DosBox.

      * - Stick to 640x480@16. And don't expect anything complex to work, there is no SHARE.

  29. Tom 7

    Chineese Pirates

    Mandarin AAAARRRanges?

  30. Hellcat

    Having seen how well 8.0.0 and 8.0.1 have gone down, I will be using this as a fine example of just why I won't be going to production with your change today, and why testing is important. Perhaps you might just see a small spark in the PHB's eyes when you say "Push it through without testing? You mean like iOS8?"

    I feel I should also appologise in public for any complaining I might have made about having to wait for WP8.1.


  31. Rural area satellite.

    Gadget crippled, customer crAppled

  32. Chicane

    Just when you thought it was safe

    Its back ...8.0.1

  33. David Nash


    That's not agile. Agile is about short development iterations, and frequent delivery, true, but not about shipping untested or unfinished product, or about leaving testing to the consumers.

    In any case one delivery a year can't be classed as agile. It's just same old same old - delivery date trumped QA, corners were cut and/or testing insufficient.

  34. bomyne

    Did someone fail to remind the register of Microsoft's bungled update in August of this year?

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