back to article I sold 10 MILLION iPhone 6es at the weekend, says Tim Cook. What did you do?

Apple has claimed to have broken its sales records yet again after shifting 10 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus units at the weekend. Tim Cook said he was basically as chuffed as he could possibly be by the sales figures of the new mobes, which went on sale this week. “Sales for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus exceeded our expectations …

  1. Mike Bell

    Man who predicts death of Apple does the honourable thing

    [Mod note: Warning – graphic content in the LiveLeak link below. I don't know why anyone would click on it. The title of the video is: "Man aborts suicide but puts his hand on the power line." It does not end well.]

    Here he is

    1. NoneSuch Silver badge

      Re: Man who predicts death of Apple does the honourable thing

      Apple sold ten million phones and only delivered 500,000.

      What a track record.

      1. SuccessCase

        Re: Man who predicts death of Apple does the honourable thing

        Why @NoneSuch you seem to have concerned yourself with representing a falsehood. This isn't Samsung we are talking about who have a long track record of misrepresenting sales. Apple report sales to End Users for all sales through Apple stores and have sold 10,000,000. Additionally, China showing it's protectionist nature are delaying granting Apple an import license. Apple probably failed to grease the palm of the right party member, so they haven't event launched in China yet.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Man who predicts death of Apple does the honourable thing

      You sick shit.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Man who predicts death of Apple does the honourable thing

      You sick fuck .. that's directed at "Mike Bell"

    4. LarsG

      Re: Man who predicts

      Not the best way to charge the new iPhone 6.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Man who predicts death of Apple does the honourable thing

      Only two people objected to the 'Mike Bell' post, and presumably the editors of this website are OK with it, as such and for that reason, I'm outa here.

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: Man who predicts death of Apple does the honourable thing


        For 2 people objected read 28 +2. And as you've only just posted I'm sure that was the number then too. Unless you wanted those 28 downvoters to post pointless "+1s" or "I agrees", rather than use the mechanism provided so thoughtfully by our hosts.

        Not sure that's a reason for a cancelling your subscription hissy-fit. Especially as you don't have a subscription.

        I'm surprised the mods edited it though. They normally just delete stuff, rather than wasting valuable drinking time.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And that did not even include China etc.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    iPhone Phablet Fanboy

    I bought the phablet version - took 40 minutes to queue and leave the store (had a slot of 1hr at the Paris Opera Store). Like the size of the thing now that I am used to it, not too big for a phone (though at first I thought perhaps I had made a mistake with the size) and finally big enough to replace my iPad mini (will be selling it now). Only problem is, wanting a second screen for my PS4 means I will be buying the sony z3 compact tablet so I can play games when the TV Is not free, so will not be tablet-free after all:( Too bad Sony will only support this feature on their own tablet/phone devices (or with the Vita which has pretty poor controls). Anyway, liking the new iPhone, though it does not really do anything new - just a larger screen at last.

  4. chivo243 Silver badge

    If my company sold 10m on Saturday

    On Sunday, I'd be sleeping in, as the previous night I'd be having a small party.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: If my company sold 10m on Saturday

      Well technically believe it was 10m+ for the Friday (launch) plus Saturday and Sunday - still a phenomenal number of phones and Samsung must be feeling a bit sick right now - I read in the week or so before the iPhone 6/6+ the number of people trading in Galaxy handsets spiked hugely.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: If my company sold 10m on Saturday

        That doesn't make a lot of sense though. Why would people trade in their old phones before they received their new phones?

        1. alwarming

          Re: If my company sold 10m on Saturday

          > Why would people trade in their old phones before they received their new phones?

          To get maximum resale value. They probably "survive" the gap by plugging the SIM card on a non-smartphone (oh, the horror).

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: If my company sold 10m on Saturday

        I don't have a Samsung phone but...

        Why would you trade in a (modern) galaxy for the iPhone. You may love the iPhone but the reason that most people will have chosen a Galaxy S5 is because they don't. The iPhone 6 has caught up some ground to the the high end Android phones but it still has some way to go and so it wouldn't make sense for anyone to 'swap' over apart from just trying something new.

        As also said to trade-in you would need to be swapping for the new iPhone, the prices won't have changed for trade-in value pre and post release. Therefore I think this is actually BS, but would like to see the link to the data for this claim.

        1. KroSha

          Re: If my company sold 10m on Saturday

          I'd like to see the data for that as well. But he didn't say "S5", just "Galaxy". There's still plenty of S3s knocking around.

        2. Joe Gurman

          Re: If my company sold 10m on Saturday

          Don't know about the UK, but in the States, many, if not most people who have any Samsung phone have it because their carrier subsidized the purchase to the point that the phone is at least $100 cheaper than a comparable iPhone. Nothing much to do with features or Android vs. iOS.

  5. DaveMcM

    I am 1 in 10,000,000!

    Well I can vouch for at least one of those 10 million sales as my pre-ordered iPhone 6 arrived safely last Friday lunchtime.

    So far I'm very impressed although the extra size still feels makes it feel a bit unwieldy compared to the 5 and is going to take a bit of getting used to. I shudder to think how massive the 5.5" 6 plus must be to try and handle if the standard 4.7" 6 feels this much bigger than the 5/5s - maybe I've just got small hands?

    1. John Tserkezis

      Re: I am 1 in 10,000,000!

      "Well I can vouch for at least one of those 10 million sales as my pre-ordered iPhone 6 arrived safely last Friday lunchtime."

      Whoa, whoa, hang on, slow down there, are you saying you did NOT line up like a gimp on the street for two days to buy your iPhone, but instead ordered it online, and had it delivered like, like, a "normal" person?

      I mean, I guessed it could happen in theory, but to have an Appleite who's also a regular normal person at the same time, is a rare treat. Congratulations and welcome!

    2. alwarming

      Re: I am 1 in 10,000,000!

      @ DaveMcM

      I wonder why your post was downvoted for simply making a consumer choice ? I don't see your post waxing eloquent on the iphone-6-euphoria, nor I see you trying to act smug about what personal-computing-cum-communication device you chose to purchase with your money. So commentards (or brave downvoters), can you please wager a guess(/explain) on why poor Dave got downvoting for simply making a personal choice, albiet a supposedly popular one ?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I am 1 in 10,000,000!

        "So commentards... can you please wager a guess..."

        I would guess it's from Apple fanbois who don't like people pre-ordering rather than queueing, as alluded to above it shows an overall lack of respect for the late Steve J.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's a phone... grow up!

    1. Michael Thibault

      It's a phone grown up!


  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    10 million x average price of say £500 ex. VAT = £5 billion in a weekend. Basically it's the reason many people were buying the larger Galaxy handsets (apart from the die-hard nerds who have to have Android). But for most people larger screen iPhone plus Apple Watch is a much more compelling partnership than Samsung / others. I've not worn a watch everyday in a while but after looking at it it's so much better (overall) than the competition it's pretty compelling.

    1. m0nkf1sh


      So you think that buying an Apple Watch is "compelling" just because you you don't like the look of other phone / watch combos... But somehow the Apple Watch looks "compelling". And most people will buy one?!? Should have gone to SpecSavers mate.

      1. alwarming

        Re: Errrr...

        > So you think that buying an Apple Watch is "compelling"

        Guys, A/C was trollling...

        1. g e

          Re: Errrr...

          Apple Cultist ?

    2. John Tserkezis

      "Basically it's the reason many people were buying the larger Galaxy handsets"

      Speak for yourself, I bought mine because I was going blind. Well, slightly less eagle-eyed than I was before anyway.

      And no, I'm not an Android die-hard just that my last phone was an Android, I'm happy with it, and the data migration would have been easy. Previous before that was Treo (PalmOS), then a Sony/Erricson dumb phone with interface with a Palm Organiser, then a truly dumb Nokia before that.

      If you observed closely, you'll note that Apple wasn't in any of that lot. Simply because it wasn't anywhere near compelling enough for me. Deal with it.

  8. JohnA 1
    Thumb Up


    This should spur Android manufacturers to even greater heights now that Apple has caught up. Not a fruity fan, but it does look like a nice piece of kit.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Good!

      Apple were never really behind - the only think you can really level is that they did not have a large screen and I'd rather be right / best than first. Android manufacturers will be disillusioned - not only are they making no profit (apart from Samsung and that will change) but now Apple have eclipsed them.

      1. JohnA 1

        Re: Good!

        The newest phone is always the best phone.

        Android has had not just big screens, but payment options, 3rd party keyboards, custom notifications, hands free assistant, widgets.. Yes, Apple has just caught up to Android.

    2. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Good!

      If you define "caught up" to mean where other Android flagships were about two years ago then yes, they have caught up.

      I'm having trouble seeing what the fuss is about.

      1. Vector

        Re: Good!

        "I'm having trouble seeing what the fuss is about."

        I think it's simple really. I suspect there have been a lot of holdouts over the past few years who wanted a bigger phone but didn't want to give up the iPhone. For those people, the 4 series (double the resolution but same size) and the 5 series (wide screen aspect but basically the same size) held little interest. Note the many comments on these very forums from people still using their 3GS's. Now that larger phones have been released, many of those people have finally jumped.

        As far as Mr. Cook's claims about these being "better in every way," well, let's see:

        • Processor: Pretty much always the case in a new phone
        • Camera: Yeah, those keep seeing incremental updates as new tech becomes available
        • Apple Pay: Whee! NFC finally! Oh wait, it's not really useful NFC, just a payment system
        • Bigger Screen(s): About time. One of them is even an industry standard rez.
        • New case design: Purely a matter of taste

        So, ok, better, but mainly because some improvements have been long overdue.

  9. Bruce Ordway

    Good for Apple

    Good for Apple.

    I don't personally understand the mass appeal but... they are certainly doing something right.

  10. David Austin

    Please, Please, Please

    Will someone make a nice mid to high range phone that isn't stupidly big?

    The high end phones are getting bigger and bigger, and while I accept that's what "The Market" seems to want, I can't be the only one that wants a half decent smaller, more pocket-friendly phone?

    I miss my 3.5" HTC WildFire. Yes, it capped out at Android 2.3, and it was always memory constrained, but I could drop it in my top pocket and forget I was carrying it.

    1. mdava

      Re: Please, Please, Please

      They do exist, admittedly in the minority, but they are out there.

      Additionally, manufacturers have grasped that consumers might want a small phone that is in other respect (processor/RAM) are the same as the giganto-phones that are so popular.

    2. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Please, Please, Please

      The Samsung last generation flagship minis are probably what you want: you should be able to get an S4 mini for a reasonable price. While I don't mind the TouchWiz stuff I'm getting fed up of the private data slurping so installed Cyanogenmod. It's worth learning to switch off wifi for better battery life.

      1. David Austin

        Re: Please, Please, Please

        I'm on a Samsung S4 mini, but even in that range, the S3, S4, and S5 mini are all progressively bigger, to the point where the S5 mini is about the same size as a normal iPhone 4/4S.

        All the phones seem to keep getting bigger, and I'm just worried we're going to all end up looking like Dom Joly by 2017.

    3. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Please, Please, Please

      >Will someone make a nice mid to high range phone that isn't stupidly big?

      Sony Xperia Z1 Compact or Z3 Compact, both have the same flagship-specs as their bigger non-Compact brothers. I'm tempted, as they are both only 5mm wider and longer than my 4" Xperia P, they have 4.3" and 4.7" screens. A 5" phone would just be too upsetting of my trouser pocket.

      In Android-world, anything under 5" is small these days it seems.

      Some other vendors release 'Mini' versions of their flagship models, but they tend to have slower internals.

    4. zen1

      Re: Please, Please, Please

      I'd be happy for a mid to high range phone that didn't drop calls or didn't sound like shit. Oh wait, that was before they added all the "smart" features... never mind.

  11. Frank N. Stein

    Make it 6" screen and call it a day. Eliminate the iPad Mini and make the 6" iPhone 6 Plus.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    We could have sold more .... but that would have made it harder to have record sales next year.

    Seems to me that they are following the technique of raising the pole vault world record by 1cm each time to ensure you keep a steady flow of headlines/bonuses.

  13. WonkoTheSane

    No one asked him the important question!

    Did Apple start the "charge in the microwave" story to make the gullible buy 2 each?

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: No one asked him the important question!

      Next year in IOS 9... kinetic charging with a lump hammer.

  14. intrigid

    Glad to see that US student loan money is being spent in an intelligent and rational manner.

    1. Franklin

      Given the rising cost and diminishing returns of a university education, a person more cynical than I might suggest buying a phone is more rational than buying a degree. Not that I would suggest anything so cynical, oh goodness no.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's a phone... grow up!

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone"

    No not the iPhone 6 with the 1 gig of RAM and the 1.4ghz dual core processor, but the iPhone 5 with it's 1 gig of RAM and the errr 1.3ghz dual core processor.

    The contract prices for these things are even more of a rip off than normal. Bigger screen and a finger print scanner doesn't seem worth it somehow.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone"

      The CPU is reportedly 25% faster despite clocking less than 10% faster. You do realize it is possible to improve CPUs beyond mere clock rate, right? Otherwise iPhones would not beat (in some benchmarks) or come to close (in other benchmarks) Samsung phones that clock nearly twice as high.

  17. Mage Silver badge


    I queued with the kids for a harry potter book once. Just because it was a fun street party, people were asked to come in Fancy Dress. Getting the book the night before the normal daytime release was irrelevant.

    I can't imagine queuing again, or EVER for a piece of technology. If there is an apocalypse I'll queue if it's the only way to eat.

    So are there Apple Street parties? Is it for 11 year old kids? Why would Adults queue outside of some bizarre dictatorship or post apocalyptic world for anything?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Queue

      Because they are enthusiastic about it, rather than bored with everything in life.

      1. Mage Silver badge

        Re: Queue

        It's only a Media/Web/Phone.

        I wish there was a better name than Smartphone. They are not smart, just multifunctional

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    10 million!

    That's more than the WinPhones sold in a whole year!

    1. Michael Thibault

      Re: 10 million!

      No one is surprised, so what's your point?

  19. abedarts

    Nice size

    I'm using a Moto G (because my wife's iPhone fritzed and I gave her mine) and I like its 4.5" screen size. Having tried 5" screens I think 4.7" may be the sweet spot for me, so I'll look forward to owning a 6 one day and helping Apple to even more astounding profits.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nice size

      I'm using a Moto G (because my wife's iPhone fritzed and I gave her mine) and I like its 4.5" screen size. Having tried 5" screens I think 4.7" may be the sweet spot for me, so I'll look forward to owning a 6 one day and helping Apple to even more astounding profits.

      LOL. you do know that the iPhone 6 4.7 inch screen is taller than the Galaxy S4 but with a smaller screen and it is just narrower slightly? They really blew their chance to do something innovative with these phones, but it seems like they get further and further behind with every flagship they release

  20. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Did something important happen on Friday?

    Yes, actually. I was able to sign off a three week project.

  21. Anonymoist Cowyard

    Can anyone prove these numbers?

    Nope, because it didn't happen. However the hype of saying it will eventually make it so.

    What a twisted world we live in.

  22. JeevesMkII

    I believe the traditional response is...

    "Yer mum, mate."

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    iPhone 6




  24. Mikel

    Minor note

    That is 7 billion dollars in sales in one weekend, at 60% profit. Not bad.

    1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: Minor note

      I think that when you've untangled all the 'creative' accounting and tax evasion it's closer to 90% profit.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Minor note


        I've heard of that, it's south of Oklahoma isn't it?

        Big place.

        - Anon Apple Exec

  25. Dave Hilling

    I dont get it

    I don't get why the iphones are so awesome to their users and I prefer my android s4 over her iphone 4 but I dont care because I own stock in apple and I will happily take my small chunk of your money :)

  26. Joe Gurman

    Enjoy my 6 so far

    A big jump from an iPhone 4, and had decided the only way I could stuff a 6 Plus in my Levis' pocket horizontally was if I wanted to extract it with a forceps. I like the fingerprint recognition, and am looking forward to ApplePay. Presumably Android and others will have similar implementations down the road, but a payment system that involves neither physical cards nor merchants' access to my PII is A Good Thing.

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