Whilst the security failure is worrying...
... I do have to say "Who?"
(Followed by "and why should I care?")
A new round of what appear to be private, naked photos of female celebrities including US television reality star Kim Kardashian have apparently been leaked online. The latest stash of pics, which seemed to include two naked selfies taken by Kardashian with a Blackberry handset, were easily accessible on Twitter late on …
Apparently someone needs to cover up the latest economic data underneath sex-suffused front page gossip?
They may have been taken on a Blackberry but that doesn't mean they were hacked from Blackberry. If they are uploaded to the web and hacked from there they will still show the details of what they were taken on, the speed and aperture and whether flash was used.
It's noticeable that there is no insinuation in the report that they were hacked from a Blackberry device. That would have been big news.
Didn't know that Blackberries had such a wide angle lens to be able to fit her fat arse in shot.
Rather appropriate to use one though considering her history of poor taste and being available for pretty much anything black. As far as I can see this is all she is apparently famous for, and has no other talents!
Save whatever is left if the dignity of my people.
I have grown up in one of the 3 countries with largest Armenian diasphoras so I have a pretty good idea how a prety Armenian girl can look like. Based on these recollections, frankly, she looks anything but Armenian. That behind with the gross displacement of a Queen Elisabeth class aircraft carrier can be (and probably is) from somewhere further south.
So IMHO the dignity is not being infringed in the first place.
Could I suggest that The Register raises their game a little and sticks to iDevice/Android rumours rather than attempting to move your user base into the realm of celebtards?
While there is a vague IT aspect in providing information about porn, I'm sure your audience is technically capable of finding that without your assistance.
If you wish to provide assistance to your readers, maybe recommend doctors that have experience treating badly scratched eyeballs for those who have witnessed these images...
Not that I would ever look at such pictures, but I understand it is the kind of Blackberry they are trying to kill off. If it had been taken with the new square one (code name "Desperation"), I might agree with you.
I'm waiting for the Twitter leak of Lady Gaga, Rihanna et al in burkhas. ISIS is supposed to be full of horny youths, won't someone think of them?
Lizard? I thought she was a Hobbit...
I don't know and I haven't looked, but probably a 9900. They were quite popular because they are quite solid, have a decent keyboard, and of course worked with BES. Therefore, little brain needed to migrate from an earlier model. I think too that they are rather less liable than iPhones to break when dropped, always an important consideration with slebs.
They are also clunky, have a tiny screen, not very good battery life, pathetic camera, and cost too much - all the reasons why Blackberry are now in such a state.
Who hasn't already seen her ass? As it was mentioned in an earlier post, this is an attention grab, which brings me to my next rant... What the hell has she done to deserve all the notoriety she gets? Her entry into the world of the rich and famous was riding on her late fathers coat tails AND a porn tape. Past that, nothing of any significance. I feel sorry for the Jenner side of the house hold. Those poor children will forever be labeled as a Kardashian, or guilty by association.
I think the biggest travesty is that more people look to her as a "role model" than real heros, or people more deserving of the of the honor.
I weep for the future of humanity, especially the morons who keep validating people like ms. kardashian-west.
I thought about that but I don't think it's a fair comparison. I think Paris road on the coat tails of her grandfathers legacy and is old money trash. The Kardashians are simply new money trash. But in terms of general stupidity and all around offensiveness to the youth of the world, it has to be a dead race.
"What the hell has she done to deserve all the notoriety she gets?"
I don't know about deserve but what she has done is to be relevant to scads of people*. Exactly how she has done this and why they find her relevant and not someone else is beyond me but I suspect it is because she has an impeccably-managed public image.
I don't mean that she is squeaky-clean and the very picture of the god-fearing, pie-eating American girl, because that's not necessarily what people want. Her image appears to be tailored and presented so that people in her target audience/market want to see her and hear from her and read about her. They want to know what she's doing, where she's doing it, who she's doing it with and what she's wearing while she's doing it.
Strangely, they even want to know what she thinks.
Again, it's a bit of a mystery to me but it's clear that she, and her managers and cadre of helpers, all work very hard to make it work. And, whatever anyone's opinion of her general level of intelligence, she is very, very savvy so far as playing this game is concerned. Whatever her head start and whatever her talents, she has made use of them to become one of the most popular 'celebrities' in the world and is paid to do the right things, drink the right drinks, stand in the right places, and wear the right clothes.
Paris Hilton may have been the (modern) pace-setter for this but Ms Kardashian has overtaken her and simply does it better than Paris ever did. Barring her omnipresence, I certainly find her far less annoying than Ms Hilton.
* - Mostly teenage girls and young women, but those are lucrative markets.
The kardashian thing is mostly media manufactured. Actual famous people have gotten better at hiding some of not most of their lives and the media have started creating all these pseudo celebrities who are famous just because they act like idiots where they can be witnessed. They are happy for the attention because they are vapid, meaningless dregs incapable of doing anything worthwhile with their lives, the media love them because other vapid plebs pay to watch them and plebs love them because they act like they wished they could act of only they didn't need to have the door widened to leave their house.
It's absolutely sickening but basically it's the great unwashed, can't think won't think crowd driving this. The media print what sells and the scroats get off on this crap.
Sad, but that's the world we live in.
Most people are not very intelligent. Perhaps, as Aldous Huxley thought, this is just as well for the stability of society. They don't want role models who are highly intelligent, competent people. They want role models who are like them only a bit prettier, and a lot richer, because it makes them think that with a lucky break, that could be them.
Once it was the royal family and the local aristocrats, who were probably as thick as the average sleb but, in an agricultural world, just needed the inherited money and a competent estate manager. Now, mass media has made it the Kardashians.
Is it sickening? Not really. The failure is of the intelligent people. We (I include myself in this for purposes of self criticism) have invented democracy, which encourages politicians to want large populations of not very bright people. We have invented war, ditto. We have invented an economic system which allows large corporations to market products to people that are bad for them. We have come up with, or support, religions opposed to sex education and contraception. And some of us have invented the Daily Mail, though I'm definitely not responsible for that one.
And then we wonder why we have a large population of obese, not very bright people who are kept quiet by panem, circenses concubitusque.
If this is a shameful state of affairs, then let me note Dante's comment:
"Però, se 'l mondo presente disvia,
in voi è la cagione " (Purg. XVI)*
"If the present world seems to go astray the cause is in you".
I know this is a classical left wing/liberal position, but just remember that the people who blame the lower classes for their behaviour are also the ones with shares in tobacco, alcohol, fast food, media and porn companies. They are profiting from the behaviour they despise.
*The whole passage sums up the argument - politicians lack vision, they do not enforce the laws, and ordinary people need leadership (which they don't get) if they are to fulfil their potential. That was written over 700 years ago, and it just shows nothing has really changed.
I had the misfortune to run into a public showing of the Kardashian woman* pouting and whimpering at a local shopping centre. Nothing I witnessed made me want to see any more of her, clothed or no.
* I really need to check the local events listing before leaving the house.
My other half warned me about that in the morning and I was able to avoid it. To be fair, I usually avoid it anyway but I was thinking of going in to pick up some stuff so I was thankful for the heads-up.
In honesty, though, I have no problem with Ms Kardashian - the annoyance is the throngs of teenage girls who seem to flock to her. I really don't understand that at all. Had to wade through that lot a year or two ago when she made an appearance at a phone store near my work. Ghastly.
Faced with a decline in public awareness, celebrities have to do get back in the public eye.
Traditionally, this would have involved 3 weeks in the Australian jungle with a bunch of other D-listers, during which you have to eat raw kangaroo bollocks and pretend that Ant and Dec are funny.
So now any sleb with a bit of common sense can bypass all that. Five minutes with a front-facing camera, a carefully orchestrated "leak" and voila - everyone knows your name. And what your arse looks like.