How do we know this warning isn't a scam?
Web users have been warned to be wary of fake results messages about the Scottish Independence referendum. The warning from UK.gov-backed Get Safe Online comes hours after the polling booths opened north in the border in a history-making vote that will determine Scotland's fate. Unlike a political election, there will not be …
Unless it's *seriously* unreliable (i.e. sending the work experience kid to the nearest polling station to ask a couple of people leaving) it would just be too much work.
Proper exit polling is seriously expensive, for little gain - they'd be better just making it up for all anyone will care about predictions when they get the actual result tomorrow.
I think part of the reason for exit polling is to give the pollsters more information for when it comes to their next 4 years of polls. So they're trying to track what they've missed out, and this is their best chance to get at a large sample of actual voters, who they actually know have turned up. Who're also less likely to lie or forget who they voted for.
Referenda tend to be far apart, erratic, and all different. So refining their polling models would be pointless.
Feeling optimistic, I'm going to say 60% No.
This based on my hopes that No voters have been less likely to declare themselves to pollsters, that some Yes supporters may have more wanted to send a message than actually become independent and will change their mind with the polls so close, and good old in-the-ballot-box cold feet.
But mainly that I don't want the vote to be any closer. A 20 point margin puts the question to bed.
I hope for a "Yes", but am predicting a narrow "No" win.
The 97% registration does have the potential to shake things up though; many of these people have never voted before; the pollsters have never had to take their effect on elections into account before - so a 65% (either way) should probably not be seen as unthinkable.
The People will vote 100% for an independent Scotland. All those who vote against are Enemies Of The People.
If the tally of the vote is 60% "No" it means that The Enemies Of The People are pervasive and have corrupted 60% of the population, so their votes should not be counted.
That's why the pols are probably over estimating the Yes.
People tend to say they will vote for the generally popular side when asked by the nice young lady.
So in election polls they say they will vote green/lib/snp but then think of their wallet and vote tory
What? Vote Tory in Ecosse? Are you stark raving bonkers (or worse)
Voting Blue might be acceptable in other parts of the country but North of the (soon to be erected) Wall is just silly.
The only realistic choice (According to my family) is between Fake Socialists (Labor) and the Salmond Nutty Party who in some respects are more socialist than Labor. Mind you Labor have not been socialist since Wilson became their leader.
I predict that either way, the announcement will be entertaining if they follow the meme.
After all, tomorrow is International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
(Yar! We be hoisting our Jolly Roger! !)*
*Flag not tended as an insult, just wry bemusement at the (?) coincidence.
A sandwich made with a square sausage, of course. Another delicacy to set alongside deep-fried Mars bars.
The wild haggis of Scotland may be a myth but here in Hampshire it's the new season pork pies that are becoming available. With children now going to school the nesting sites are much safer and the recent dry weather has helped improve survival by allowing their coats to fully dry out much more quickly giving protection from predators.
Just ask Jake at Hampshire Farmers' Markets http://www.stanstedfarmshop.com/2014/09/10/finest-pork-pie-ever/
And President Putin immediately appeared on state TV to roundly condemn the 3% of No-voters as CIA-sponsored subversives, dissidents, intellectuals and terrorists, and to promise the firmest action possible against those who seek to undermine the free and fair democratic process.
Who cares what they vote besides bbc1 news and the politicians. Besides now more of that free money given to them can now be spent on the struggling southerners..
They get what is it again free education ? free health care i.e. no prescription charges etc...
Let me think I was very puzzled about all of that until this whole election wave came about and out of it came lurking North Oil Sea
So if there was no North Oil Sea - there would not be one politician leaving their warm office to go to scootland and there would be no 24 hours of the 24 hour day spent by BBC new repeating the same retarted message.
Meanwhile hiding under the carpet all the pain the people in London have to put up with a given example tube strikes yesterday washed down as late finishing engineering work
Its all a puddle of poo can we now vote to get GB out of Westministers fiddling hands ?
no offense intended by my original post, the reality is if the Queen has asked to be kept out of it then what on earth has it got to do with the ppl of the south, if nothing then why are we kept in sync with every second of it ?
This is between Westminister/Salmond and the ppl of Scotland nothing that happens or they do will be in the hands of the people who are not involved in the voting process.
You may as well infect the news with the Election results of alaska, it is just as interesting as this
You should care even if you don't get to vote in it.
If Scotland votes yes, YOU (the taxpayer) will have to foot the bill for moving stuff around, relocating Trident etc and a whole host of economic changes. There might even be some implications at a European level too. For all we know, the Scots might even try to dump all their debt (a large chunk created by Scottish banks) over the arguments about currency union. Either way, the British economy (both Scottish and the rest) will take a hit as people get jittery feet and various sectors have to be re-organised.
If Scotland votes no, the Westminster politicians on your behalf (and not giving you a say in it) are going to offer them all sorts of sweeteners, quite likely involving taxpayer money.
So yes, directly or indirectly your life will be impacted by the results of this vote. Which is sort of ironic really because this is what Scotland has been complaining about in regards to Westminster politics. They get shafted and don't have a meaningful say in what happens. Now they have found a way to do it to those south of the border. Who knows, it might just make people realise how terrible our politicial system has become and actually campaign to do something about it.
You do know that having "Scotland" in the name of a bank doesn't make it Scottish ?
hint: look to see which larger groups they are part of
The proposed move of bank HQs to London is of course less about the so-called "guarantees" and more about the worry that a Scottish government might introduce actual regulation.
Trident should be scrapped, total wasted money that could pay for better things such as devices that NHS can't afford to buy simply because their too expensive.
When a new phone comes out it is expensive, people buy it and their supporting the cost/research for new generation. If everyone went and bought £10 phones from a phone shop then we may not have our current phone technology.
Back to this specific point when the time comes those older medical technologies should be donated to the third world and new investment into better health care.
Regardless you would have to agree that having your Media infected and to have no control of what the outcome is - is rather pointless. Blast the Scotts sure but out in the rest of the land what does it achieve. The final result will be just fine. so I will stick wih the title.
However the entire reason for the title and comment was really based on your very last line. How terrible our political system/Media has become.
Channel 4 had something on the TV a few weeks back, its worth a watch:
Why Britain's Establishment is unjust and unsustainable
This is our real problem and the reality behind all the issues in Scotland. For them to accept the Queen as theirs really says that politically things are in a mess and we are not the politicians, just the humble worker bees who for most care is bread on the table.
I do how ever think the main reason for this is quite simple, a bit like the film the Jerk, where lots of social flies when there is money and major scarper when there is no funds left. Its probably all related to the size of our debt and now everyone wants to try their own thing rather than be indebt.
It is happening all over the world spain and Catalan ..
So although the deicision may impact all our lifes, well yes but we are free and could look at migrating elsewhere where the grass may be greener
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So there is now some official way of making computer security announcements.
It'a odd how I never seem to have heard of them before. It's the sort of thing you'd expect to get mentioned by an ISP. Maybe I did miss it. Was the notice pinned to the notice board in the cellar, behind the door marked "Beware of the Egress!"
there will be no recounts for disputes about numbers, only disputes about "process" .
there are no exit polls at the polling stations.
the final count will be done at Ingliston royal highland centre near the airport and the results will be declared at 6am tomorrow. this is due to ballots from outer areas being boated and helicoptered to the main counting area at Ingliston.
I am a YES voter and the nerves never started till i cast my vote now i am crapping it.
In all honesty i think it's just too close to call at the moment however what i can say is that the YES campaign have had a MASSIVE voter registration program running this past 2 months thus hopefuly that will tip the scale.
I do have worries about the postal votes though... over 700,000 of them and to be frank there has been some shenanigans with postal votes in previous elections... we'll see though.
posting anon as I am an observer and thus don't want to get shat on for posting!
Unless you're using the word 'nae' as a variant spelling of ye olde English 'nay', your headline should say 'naw, Jimmy'. The conventional usage of 'nae' in Scots is as a substitute for 'not', as in isnae, disnae and 'nae idea'.
And I speak as one whose gf's Naw vote has just cancelled out my Aye vote.