back to article Amazon rekindles e-readers and Fire OS without weeks of whack-a-leak fun has given its Kindle range a thorough refresh, springing a new range on world+dog today without the usual weeks of “will they or won't they and what's inside” leaks and speculation. Instead we got a series of trim announcements of the new range, which comprises: A new Voyage model, a mere 7.6mm thick, 180 gms in …

  1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Children's one available in yellow?

    We used to use a HP Windows CE device in construction but it cost > 1000 quid so we gave up and bought job lots of cheap Dell somethings (?).

    An android tablet that gets replaced everytime you drop it would be nice

    1. Roland6 Silver badge

      Re: Children's one available in yellow?

      >An android tablet that gets replaced everytime you drop it would be nice

      If this is for work, I'd suggest investing in a D30 case (see T-Mobile's video! ) because at least it increases the chances of the device surviving the 'drop'. There is nothing more frustrating than dropping a device and then having to carry on for the rest of the day with a damaged/dead device.

  2. Tsung

    Wait for reviews...

    The Kindle Voyager is pretty expensive; I also wonder if this page press actual works or if it will automatically be turning the pages when I'm holding the kindle? (I don't think I pinch hold the bottom corner of the kindle like they do in the adverts)

    "PagePress is a custom-designed force sensor made of carbon and silver, which reacts to a subtle increase of pressure, triggers a page-turn and provides a haptic response only your fingers can perceive."

    I really love my original kindle (with keyboard), I'd like to get one with a built in light but the whole touching the screen to turn the page to me seems unnecessary.

    1. jay_bea

      Re: Wait for reviews...

      The product information says "You can personalise both the pressure level needed to trigger a page turn and the haptic feedback level." If it works, it will be good. The touch screen has never really been a great replacement for the original page turn buttons, although it works very well for highlighting / marking text, etc.

    2. JMcL

      Re: Wait for reviews...

      I originally had the keyboard with the case with built in light and it was great. I lost it unfortunately and replaced it with a Paperwhite which despite the screen and light being excellent, is touch to turn the pages, and given the rubbish sensitivity of the screen, sometimes means several touches. It's annoying and I'd have happily paid a few quid extra to have page turn buttons on the side. Even the Android app, with a proper capacitive screen, allows use of the volume buttons to change page

  3. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

    •The Fire HD Kids Edition, a US$149 machine that offers a “kid-proof case”

    So they like a challenge do they? That's fightin talk where I come from, or where my kids are concerned... ;) Both are on their second Hudl's (which to be fair Tesco provided without any quibble at all) after the initial ones micro-USB ports went bad and to charge the things you had to wedge the cable in at a weird angle with a pen.

    They're both getting (original keyboard 3G model) Kindles for Christmas, as Staples had a few reconditioned return ones that they were flogging off for a tenner each. They look and work fine (for now), and at that price you can't say no...

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      That's what I thought. It's certainly brave of them. But looks pretty foolish to me. Kids can destroy anything.

      1. Roland6 Silver badge

        >Kids can destroy anything.

        Particularly micro USB ports...

        But then the OAP's also find these difficult...

  4. James 51

    If the amazon app really does stream video now it will be interesting to see how may of these sell.

  5. Omgwtfbbqtime


    Any UK release date for the kids version? Can't seem to find it on

    Icon for what junior will put one through.

  6. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    The 6" one looks good as an iPod replacement. Ideally I like to keep the phone battery for use as a phone, and the iPod often gets plugged into the stereo, so it's better that it be a separate device anyway.

    Has anyone got any opinions of the Amazon software? I'm a bit dubious to be honest. But I don't care about apps, with a phone already, so it would only need a decent podcast app a decent music player and enough memory for at least 25GB of music, plus podcasts.

    All advice/opinions appreciated.

    1. Omgwtfbbqtime

      Having had a Fire HD since last Christmas its been in use pretty much every day.

      Music - seems good, amazon cloud of most music bought through amazon, plays mp3s, havent tried ogg or flac.

      ebooks - will take .mobi natively, Moon+ reader (free in kindle app store) will take epubs.

      Access to usual apps, iplayer etc prices comparable to google play store.

      Video - vidOnme app plays xvid fine

      Battery adequate -ymmv depending on what app your running

      Carousel - meh would rather have icons like most tablets.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No sick bag lies there.

    Nice to see something arrive without the confederacy of marketing lies.

    Obviously the next Ipad being the most beautiful yet by a whole galaxy margin.

    So much so that one look it its beauty and you will turn to stone far faster than Medusa ever managed.

    If you don't believe me just consider how so many awestruck journalists resemble wax works.

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