'CEO Anthony Briscoe notes that to install any such device would mean cutting the cable...“It is a physical impossibility to do it without us knowing”, Briscoe says in the statement. “There isn't a technology in the world, as far as I am aware, that can splice into an undersea fibre optic cable without causing a serious outage and sending alarms back to our network operations centre that something's wrong”.'
As far as *I* am aware, most CEOs I have worked with don't know the technology what is, or is not, available. I am trying to find a mention of the undersea cable proported to have been tapped into was actually submerged at the tapping in point, but I can't. It is possible to hook into a fibreoptic cable without splicing it, certainly on dry land, and has been as far as I am aware for the last 15 year. (Story from a sysadmin who worked in telecoms back in 2000).
What *IS* interesting is this comment:
"Crucially, its fully backed-up figure-of-eight design, looping in Hawaii, means it has no single point of failure. If a ship's anchor or tsunami snapped the cable in one spot, the bits and bytes could keep flowing." - made in July here: http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/60126448/the-southern-cross-cable-guy
So, even if it was spliced, with certain alarms 'dealt with' it would be possible to not interrupt the flow. Not only that, but even if we postulate it was spliced and resulting in outage, anyone putting this in place would be certain to either cloak the splicing in something else, (power outage at landing station with backup batteries and generators failing to kick in due to coincidental faults), or have certain people in the loop, leaving the public faces of organisations with plausible deniability.
So ultimately do we all think it is possible? I do, and I suspect that I am not alone.
Do we have reason to suspect these documents are false? I think there is current reasonable proof that so far they have been more than a little accurate.
So, is the probability that Key is either lying or in a strategic position of unknowing? Pretty good.
Do we think Briscoe is FUDing the claims? Either he doesn't know his own infrastructure or it is in his best interests to spread a little doubt.
So far, looks reasonable to consider this is true.