Re: Nintendo Wii mania
"Lets say that '1 Weekend' is the number of Galaxy S5's that were sold the first weekend the nwe can judge the success (or failure) of the latest iPhone release."
Why the first weekend? Why not say.. 6 months in, or 9 months..
Oh. right.. Must count the peak sales days, and extrapolate them to the months when Apple sales are tanking.
Sorry mate.. The "OMG Apple sold more in it's first week than X is not actually a useful figure. Because it neglects the steady sales of pretty much every other company selling pretty much any product throughout the product's life cycle.
Useless single data points are bragging ammunition. Not useful data. Just like the shipped versus sold meme.. If only Apple count that way, then the metric is of no use what so ever, because it gives nothing to compare it to.
It's the same as the toy industry projecting Christmas sales to the rest of the year, and claiming huge profits.
"If by some freak Apple sell say 10,000,000 and they are sold out for the next month then even the most ardent Apple Haters might (through gridded teeth) admit it was a success."
And you imagine we care because?
Apple sells millions.. Meh.
Samsung sells millions.. Meh.
Insert name of company who makes a product that sells millions.. Unless we own it, work for it, or own shares in it.. Meh..
Because we get to see NONE of that money. We understand that that money is not ours to spend. Some small amount of it may once have belonged to us, but that is as far as it goes.
And if they sell out in the first weekend, and have no stock for a month.. that is actually poor supply chain management. Not success.
I do have a question though..
What would be the number that causes you to concede that either model is in fact, a flop?