But I have Steam for Linux. Is this nifty utility compatible? Or do I have tio install wine to run it?
Infosec bods are warning of new malware spreading through game-streaming web hit Twitch: the software nasty subverts Steam accounts to drain player's wallets, and could take away all their precious weaponry. eskimo I've got 99 problems but a Twitch ain't one The malware spreads by bombarding users of Twitch's chat feature …
Well, with limited information, it mentions java, and a windows binary. Let's assume it operates though java only, making steam calls would work as linux steam registers the same steam protocol handlers as windows. If it is a windows binary, unless they mod the java to call wine, you are probably safe.
I've seen a few of these dodgy 'click to buy' things elsewhere on FB.
They target specific groups and the user info link is greyed out.
The best bit is the 'number sold today' which is a wonderful way to trap the unsuspecting.
On FB I was slagged off for asking who actually clicked on the 'buy now' link when the user was greyed out -- even the trainers and sunglasses spammers have clickable ID's.
Still there are several born every minute and a wee bit of social engineering goes a long way