back to article Sellouts! Fans snap up iPhone 6 Plus pre-orders to avoid store queues

Apple's online shop fell over at midnight, Pacific Time, when it opened for iPhone 6 "pre-orders" – what Apple calls orders for its first shipment of new things. Also as expected by anyone sane, the first batch of iPhone 6 Plus devices sold out quickly, so any further orders of the larger model are delayed, conveniently …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Lots of stock for the Nexus. Oh, right. No Apple logo. Sorry.

    Then you have to buy the special case with the big circular hole to display the logo properly cuz that's what you are really buying isn't it guys and gals.

    Half the phone at three times the price. Good luck with that.

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Case Logos?

      There are literally hundered of cases for iPhones that don't have the Apple Logo on display.

      There are even cases for Samsung phones that have the Apple Logo on sale in some places.

      Cases for phones? Meh.

      Apple will sell million of phones and generate a few billion $$$$ in profits. How many S5's did Samsung sell in the first week?

      To me this is all moot as my Nokia 6310i does what I need from a phone but it is interesting to watch the Android and Apple camps slaggin each other off at every opportunity.

      Phone cases at Dawn perhaps?

      Seconds out round 2 Ding.

      1. Hipsterina

        Re: Case Logos?

        "There are literally hundered of cases for iPhones that don't have the Apple Logo on display."

        Just about sums up the product and punter: nothing of note beyond the logo and the boast of "being able to afford it", which is somewhat pathetic, really. Isn't it?

    2. ThomH

      Hang on... are you meaning to imply that things are more likely to be sold out if it's their launch day?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      DAMN IT

      So the iPhone has now completely lost its exclusivity as all the chavs now clamour for it.

      Time to upgrade to something more unique and much less common, a Win Phone perhaps or a Samsung S5?

      Now I can claim to be different.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: DAMN IT

        "Now I can claim to be different."

        Hmm, buying an Android phone somehow gives you "different" status?

        You are indeed different, and in need of some remedial math.

        1. Hipsterina

          Re: DAMN IT

          'Hmm, buying an Android phone somehow gives you "different" status?

          You are indeed different, and in need of some remedial math.'

          If you look carefully you will see that buying an Android phone gives you a very wide choice, including of size, price, style, manufacturer.

          Spot the difference now? The difference between being able to think differently and 'think different' (Jobsian Newspeak for all think the same).

          Remedial maths, anyone?

          Remedial spelling?

      2. Hipsterina

        Re: DAMN IT

        "So the iPhone has now completely lost its exclusivity as all the chavs now clamour for it."

        Not a new phenomenon, it's been the chav-phone of choice for a number of years.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      The death of Ian Paisley and the noise about the Scottish referendum have drowned out the pre-release of the new iPhone so much so that Apple didn't even make the BBC news.

      Next weeks release will be the day after the VOTE so I doubt even the queues of fanbois at the Apple stores will barely get a mention on the news.

      To all in Scotland, please vote for independence, go for it and save us all from having to see the fanbois collecting their phones and whooping out loud and running down the road to get mugged. Some events have a real silver lining.

      Oh and then we can finally change to clocks so that we get lighter evening in the winter.

  2. NoneSuch Silver badge

    If the web site outages are not part of some marketing scheme then they truly have poor engineers working in Cupertino to have such access issues time after time, year after year.

    Just checked the Apple site. The $949 model turns into $1,400 by the time you add on AppleCare and charging cords.

    That's a pass for me.

    1. Barry Rueger

      And Would You Like....

      The $949 model turns into $1,400 by the time you add on AppleCare and charging cords.

      One can surely marvel at Apple's overall ability to suck dollars out of users, but it still staggers me to realize how many of them are still buying Extended Warranties.

      Even the most uninformed shopper these days knows that such things are primarily just a very large profit margin for the companies selling them; predicated on the assumption that a) most of a particular product won't fail, or b) most of a particular product's purchasers can't or won't bother to try and claim money from it.

      But hey, once you've paid them just shy of a grand, what another $100 for the privilege of paying them another $79 if you break it?.

    2. Hipsterina

      "If the web site outages are not part of some marketing scheme then they truly have poor engineers working in Cupertino to have such access issues time after time, year after year."

      Poor engineers, likely. Products way below what they're cracked up to be, as any actual engineer quickly detects.

      But marketing scheme? Yes.

      A vast underground Orc-dom of marketbois selling Emperor's New Clothes for all they're worth. Which isn't a lot, actually.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Apache Max Connections set to about 150?

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "The $949 model"

      This is th 6.5" 128GB model. Probably excessive for most use cases, but hey, I am sure you are one of these.

      It costs $1048 with AppleCare. Exactly what did you spec. out to add another $350 ??

      And curiously, just why do you need to purchase items already included in the box?

      Or perhaps you are just a troll.


  3. Fe26Mg12

    On the other hand

    The Microsoft WP site has been several days till someone tried to entered by mistake and noticied {}:>))

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    When the logo does not go loco..

    The soft metal phone chassis bends in your pocket.

    Is that catch 22 of Apple's profit making schemes.

  5. jake Silver badge

    Apple's web site fell over? How 1990s!

    Perhaps Cupertino would do well to hire a few competent computer/networking engineers. Just a thought.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Apple's web site fell over? How 1990s!

      Might have something to do with several million people all trying to access it at the same instant. I suppose you think you'd be able to make it crash proof against that type of load spike? Unless you work for Google or Facebook, I think you'd be wrong.

  6. clebin

    How many articles now?

    The Reg's Apple coverage gets more ludicrous all the time. Tired and bitter journalists brow-beaten into churning out articles a company they loathe, sighing and trolling their way through a few hundred words of click-bait to stir up some frothing commentards into a lynch mob.

    Seriously, Reg, if you're really that bored of Apple and everything they do, then don't cover them. Take the hit on the advertising revenue and go back to being the ascerbic but fair-minded high-quality news source that you always were in the past.

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: How many articles now?

      "Tired and bitter journalists brow-beaten into churning out articles a company they loathe"

      Actually, we quite enjoy it.


  7. Hipsterina

    "Pre-" effing orders!


    For pre-plonkers?

    No. For actual plonkers.

    /w t f/ is a "pre-" order supposed to signify?

    Well, yes, I concede it does signify utter pratt-ness.

    Suggestion: grow up and call an order, an order. Simples.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "Pre-" effing orders!

      It's interesting that El Reg is taking a sniff at 'pre-order' because Apple are using it.

      Back in 2010 El Reg was using it all the time. (along with furniture stores and electrical shops).

  8. Eddy Ito

    Sold out!

    Q: How many?

    A: All of them.

    Q: No you know, quantity, in real numbers to keep it simple.

    A: We're only allowed to give out the algorithm: All*[cos(a) + i*sin(b)]. Does that help?

  9. sam tapsell

    Shopping crimes

    love the complaints about buying apple.

    I will continue to drive an old 2nd hand ford mondeo, shop at lidl and buy apple if i fancy. No regrets over many apple purchases so far.

    I will roll my eyes at people who are too posh for lidl, drive a new car, drink fancy coffee etc.

    Big screen iphone sounds very nice...fancy apple watch looks great...

    Too busy at the moment having fun hacking a raspberry pi, hhvm on digital ocean wordpress droplet and going surfing with the kids at westward ho...

  10. DrXym

    I didn't realise the iPhone 6 was time limited

    I was under the impression that the iPhone 6 would launch and would be on sale until an iPhone 7 appeared - a period of potentially 18 months. Only chumps preorder or queue up to buy a device without knowing what it will be like.

    We saw with the iPhone 4 that phones can look very lovely and yet have crippling issues in the real world. Would it kill anyone to wait a month to see if the iPhone 6 partly justifies its enormous price tag by at least working properly?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    They are "sold out" as people are buying them merely just to sell when the iDiots can't get one from a retail store.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Apple iEvangelism... a very strange phenomena, I watched 20 uneasy minutes of the BIG presentation and found myself wanting an iPhone and Apple Watch, and I dislike smartphones and watches, I eventually came to my senses and realized that iTunes + Quicktime are a sucky pile of shit.

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