I'm glad that LOHAN has PANTS
Beers all round
It's official: Our Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) arboreal avoidance algorithm will henceforth be known as PANTS (Pixhawk Avoidance of Nearby Tree System). A round of applause and some mission stickers for Sir Sham Cad, who topped our poll to determine a suitable acronym for the sensational APM parameter …
Oh do stop moaning. The extra batteries are 120g, and the weight is within the original design parameters by a margin. In fact, I'll tell you: It's 3050g, excluding the Cesaroni reload.
We've done the calcs, and the aircraft will exit the rod like the proverbial muck off a shovel. I thank you.
... it desn't happen too often these days.
Has the gender or LOHAN been establised?
The reason I ask is that if male, then PANTS are undergarments and maybe a wee bit rude for ths Fine Family Friendly Forum (hmmm, 16 bit) whereas if female then the undergarments would be panties and we'd be OK.
This seems to be a most important issue that should probably elicit a substansive response.
Exactly, on this side-o-d-water pants are trousers and include the heavy duty canvas/denim variety for brashly busting brush so it's an apt name. Male undergarments here are briefs or boxers unless you've got a thang for thongs. For those going commando I recommend button fly over a zipper for obvious reasons.