Enterprise focus?
According to the CBC article on this which was published earlier today, the Movirtu system works on Android, Apple iOS, and Windows Phone, with Blackberry to be added next year. This looks like another step in getting Blackberry software and services on other platforms. They may be on the prowl for other similar acquisitions.
I would not be surprised if Blackberry eventually gets out of the handset business altogether. The volume handset market is going to be one where hardware vendors cut each others' throats over razor thin margins, with perhaps a few niche players (e.g. Apple) being able to charge premiums for minority market share luxury brands.
If Blackberry can focus on offering services which run on other company's handsets they don't have to offer a special "enterprise" handset of their own. They can instead let customers choose their own handsets and support those with additional enterprise security and management features.
I think the phone market is going to end up like the PC desktop market - one commodity OS with 85 - 90% of the market, a second brand with 10-12%, and everything else scrabbling over the remainder. With phones though, it will be Linux (Android), Apple, and then Microsoft in that order rather than the other way around as it is on PCs.
Given the realities of that, Blackberry getting out of the handset market is probably the only realistic strategy. They won't announce that in advance though, because they won't want to "Elop" their own product line while it's still selling.