Buy? Really? Anyone with half a brain has had their money in 0992 for some time now.
iPhone 6, Watch: Hate it or really hate it, Apple's now a $604.77bn biz
As Apple unveiled its iPhone 6 and "the Watch" on Tuesday, its stock price went on a rollercoaster ride to $102.92 a share, then plummeted to $96.71, and now – after just one day of trading – it has settled on $101. That means, on Wednesday, Apple closed trading up $3.01 on the start of the day, a gain of 3.07 per cent. It was …
Thursday 11th September 2014 10:39 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Shut up already
Well, presumably, the only way to differentiate the scots was via residence. I suppose they could have made everyone read "Its a bright moonlit night tonight" and made an aural judgement, but that might have been a tad tedious.
The English on the other hand, are pretty well defined, though separating the minorities like the Welsh and Northern Oirish by mechanisms other than dialect would also be a problem.
OK. I will rephrase.
Why doesn't everyone in the United Kingdom get a vote?
Oh, are they trying to detach from Great Britain or from the United Kingdom or both?
I am starting to get confused. I think my point was that perhaps the rest of the residents of "not Scotland" would like a say in jettisoning them.
I need a coffee now
Thursday 11th September 2014 09:20 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Wall street
80% of all smartphones run android. Sorry to say, but you are part of the herd. You sound idiotic saying that the owners of the 11% that make up iPhones are 'sheeple'.
1 in ten goes one way, 8 in 10 the other. I'm sure even you can see the error in your reasoning now.
Sheeple - hilarious word by the way, I hope you didn't copy it.
Oh, and it's called a flock.
Thursday 11th September 2014 12:41 GMT phil dude
Re: Wall street
That's a tad unfair , AC.
Android users buy the phones because they are diverse: cheap, powerful, switchable batteries, waterproof etc.. The problem they have is the phone networks think they write code better than google (they don't ) and the awful "skins" are the result.
Apple users buy Apple products because they are made by Apple.
Beautiful kit for sold for as much as the market will bear.
Thursday 11th September 2014 08:39 GMT Ben S
The fandroid doth protest too much, methinks!
It always amuses me how Fandroids bang on relentlessly about "tech specs" of their phones in a desperate bid to justify their phone purchase decision.
The success of Apple, and the brand allegience is down to a mix of a fantasic app / music ecosystem and a comparively simple, enjoyable and accessible user experience. It's not always about how many mega pixels your camera has, hopefully it's about enjoying a picture with your friends!
But, most importantly, it's great there are a few brilliant companies driving each other to produce fantastic consumer technology for us to all enjoy.
They are all amazing solutions, nobody is wrong. It's not like you purchased a French car now, it it?
Thursday 11th September 2014 09:02 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: The fandroid doth protest too much, methinks!
And Fanbois spend their time saying "look, it's expensive and can't do as much as Android. But owning an Apple device means you've got a load more friends! That's worth the extra money... buying friends is normal, right?"
When the iPhone brand was new and shiny, of course, it /was/ about how many megapixels you had.
Thursday 11th September 2014 09:07 GMT Paul Shirley
Re: The fandroid doth protest too much, methinks!
That 'simple' ui is most of what puts me off ios, simple to the point I don't find it 'pleasant'. Win8 is similarly afflicted (along with some misguided android skins).
... And the quality of the camera will be the major decider on my next phone along with its gaming credentials because that's about all I've used my smartphone for!
Thursday 11th September 2014 10:53 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: The fandroid doth protest too much, methinks!
The success of the iPhone is in significant part due to Apple agreements with the US telecom carriers which inhibit competition and serve to keep end user prices high. To a monopolistic degree which would possibly not be legal in Europe. Kudos to Apple to talk these companies into a situation where Apple takes such a large share of the profits from telecoms but don't fool yourself its simply about products and users.
Thursday 11th September 2014 13:03 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: The fandroid doth protest too much, methinks!
Indeed Ben S.
They protest too much. The cult of Apples followers make it happen by their bizarre and fanatical following of their ex-maker and anything else that's thrown at them. Sycophancy at its best.
Just ask your teenage son/daughter why should anyone be paying $100 extra for every 8gB/16gb /32 Gb memory iteration of this ITAT? When it really costs pennies elsewhere ? The 80 percent android fans love this option (rather than a compulsory gouging by Apple - and sheeple happy to pay).
Or ask them the size of a HD movie download.
The user experience you so proudly boast of is another walled garden and APPLE decides & determines what you see/hear from the devices that you have dearly paid for. WTF ? Control freakery, anyone?
Now what's it with the French cars and Wall street?
Thursday 11th September 2014 09:12 GMT Timmay
Re: Solution or problem ?
It makes it more snarky, for sure, and as much as I zzzzz at Apple stuff, I zzzzz tenfold at snark. Maybe I'm getting old, but there's a bit too much snark round here for my liking, and the snark is increasing. Maybe it should be renamed The Snark Register.
Just wanted to see how many times I could mention snark in one comment.
Thursday 11th September 2014 09:37 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: love em or hate em
The 2000 Apple Shares I bought the day Steve Jobs returned has evolved into my pension fund.
Sure some of the shit they have produced is ... well shit. Most of it does its job far better than the majority of the comptetition and all without being beholden to Microsoft and/or Google.
I'd like the shares to hit $115 by the end of the year so that I can cash in and retire. After that, I really won't care if they survive or die financially but someone needs to keep Google (and to a lesser extent Microsoft) honest or at least less corrupt that they would otherwise be if left to run riot over everything.
Thursday 11th September 2014 11:39 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: love em or hate em
How the toss are Apple keeping Google honest?
What does that even mean?
No seriously what does it mean?
How on Earth does a company who has championed patent backed copying, a lawyerial assault squad, a rigid walled garden and massive margins often fueled by consumer-stiffing cartel based price fixing, possibly keep honest a company that has released a vast amount of their code as open source and said "enjoy yourselves".
What they are is a bunch of smarmy, smug, narcissistic, hideously litigious, shit monkeys.
And all who sail in them.
Thursday 11th September 2014 09:36 GMT Anonymous Coward
I generally like Apple gear, but not the hype
I'm OK with Apple kit, it works for me, and it takes little to get integration going in a secure way provided you avoid iCloud like the plague.
The hype, however, I can seriously do without.
If you want to make it an event, then get some people involved who can make this interesting. Comedians, people with some stage presence, NOT people who would not look out of place in an accounting firm and for whom the superlatives they were told to use by the marketing droids were clearly causing physical pain. Jobs, for all his faults, had a strong presence, he could do this, but Tim Cook is not Jobs, and should seek his own style instead of trying to imitate Jobs.
What was released could have been done with a press release and some pictures instead of this hype fuelled non-event. There is nothing wrong with evolution, as long as you don't try to dress it up as REvolution because that will just look stupid. And it did, it created a truly anaemic event after all that buildup. So it's bigger. Meh. You have two versions, one of which even bigger. Meh. There's a boring watch which suggests that all the people that can design beauty appear to have been busy elsewhere, so meh again. And you're getting into NFC payments. Yawn, who let the accountants on stage?
As I said before, all I personally am looking forward to is iOS8 and Yosemite. Which won't get you any of my money. And even if I *did* want to give you money, you won't let me as I moved country and am now faced with either ditching my existing investment (or at least not getting it updated) by switching iStore country or keeping a credit facility alive in a country I just left. Well, f*ck that - that's why I now buy from external outfits such as the Omni Group who sell me a non-app store version. As for apps, I have enough of them, thanks, so I'll just leave the shop settings as they are. Oh, and that music buying thing? Not only is Amazon cheaper, but their MP3s work everywhere - including my iGear.
I may like the gear, but I don't like the rest. So spare me the stage antics and fix the fundamentals first.
Thursday 11th September 2014 23:47 GMT Persiflage
Re: Cliff
"<<Insert Gaelic Shrug Here>>"
A Gaelic Shrug is when someone, in response to a comment, says "Aye, weel..." in a thoughtful manner and then proceeds to smash their pint glass in your face as the preliminary to kicking you to death while munching a deep-fried Mars Bar.
I think you meant "Gallic Shrug". Or perhaps not. People get terribly worked up over these matters...
Thursday 11th September 2014 15:09 GMT fanboi #451
But. Big but. The small print on Apple's Watch site
"Features are subject to change and may not be available in all regions or all languages. Requires iPhone 5 or later."
Apple really need to start telling FruityFone dealers about this. Most mobile companies in the UK and most VAR resellers are still retailing iPhone 4S units. That is going to be a heck of a lot of pissed off teenagers who are getting a Apple Watch and their parents' handmedown iPhone 4s for their next birthday ... not this year obviously.